The website is attractive and interesting. The selection of papers is fascinating; I should think that quite a few of them could be presented in lodge for the edification of the brethren (with due credit, of course). Natcherly, I don't agree with every word you write, but, hey, whaddya expect? Keep up the good work.
As a Life member of the Philalethes Society I was delighted when the "e-mail" capability came along. I have enjoyed reading your articles and have your permission to use them: giving proper credits. I download one on occasion to read and study. I do not have a suggestion on improvement other than to enroll more Masons on the Membership rolls of the Society. Keep up the good work.
S & F - Robert A. Love, P.M.
Very nice page, interesting paper on emulation
Wonderful site ! I will be back often. All my best wishes, Mike Poll
I enjoyed my trip through your website - I shall return again to complete my trip. Thank you Nelson for the information posted there - Particularly the Christian anit-Mason Letter.
Hello Nelson, I am having trouble sending email at present. I have recently joined the Philalethes Society, (my card reads in good standing for 1998) Would you please be kind enough to subscribe me to you email list? Thanks in advance. Tom Mitchell PM Malahat Lodge #107 Mill Bay, B.C.
This is my first visit to your Web Site and from what I have viewed so far am impressed. I am sure that when I have time I will find much more of interest.
I am a member of Claude M Kent Lodge of Oakville and a member of Rameses Temple
Good luck on your site
As a longtime subscriber to the proposition that 'communication' is the most viable working tool of any organization or relationship I exhaust my ready supply of superlatives when it comes to commenting on your WebSite. I think it is great. the late Bro. Alphonse Cerza wrote in his article READING in 1774 "it is a sad commentary that so many of our brethren do little rerading of Masonic Literature . . ." Hopefully, this electronic/internet means of communication may help to fill this need.
Bro. Nelson I enjoy your Site and read it often. I just reread the article "An Open Letter to the Christian anti-Mason". COULD I HAVE PERMISSION TO MAKE COPIES OF THIS LETTER? Thank you.
Dale Graves JW
Hi Nelson, Nice to see your site. Good selection of papers. Since the Secretary of the new AE Roberts Chapter, UD, hasn't sent me the membership list to date yet, I am pleased to see you are joining out Chapter.
It will be great to see you in DC in February. I will organize the sushi lunch again. [s]
Fraternally, Scott
Bro Nelson King, I have just read five of your "Papers and Speeches" and found them to be the most entertaining and instructive of all the papers I have read so far. I look forward to reading more of them when time permits. I also look forward to you presenting more papers. Regards Michael Guray
Very informative, well put together.
Just checked out your new Miscellaneous section and found the pictures very interesting. Perhaps a future edition of our Magazine might carry anarticle with pictures?
Just checked out your new Miscellaneous section and found the pictures very interesting. Perhaps a future edition of our Magazine might carry an article with pictures?
Bro Nelson Great and timely pictures of cuba quite a scoup.S&F Bruce
The pictures are GREAT!! Curt Balmer, MPS Said that.
Bro. Nelson,
Thanks for sharing the interesting pictures of the masonic artifacts in Cuba. I would be interested in an explanation of what they were - the pictures weren't self-explanatory.
Leonard Jones, PM
Someday, I would like to visit an Emulation Lodge...
Brother Nelson, Good work, square work.
Bro.King:A great web site. From Texas it is a real enjoyable experience to sample the Masonry from your part of America. Thanks. William L. Hill, Ph.D. Mansfield (TX) Lodge #331 Texas Lodge of Research Scottish Rite Bodies 32^ Moslah Shsrine Temple
Bro.King:A great web site. From Texas it is a real enjoyable experience to sample the Masonry from your part of America. Thanks. William L. Hill, Ph.D. Mansfield (TX) Lodge #331 Texas Lodge of Research Scottish Rite Bodies 32^ Moslah Shrine Temple
Outstanding Site!! I am very impressed with the high degree of information that lies within. It is a top-notch and classy spot on the Information Superhighway. I have it bookmarked and plan to visit often.
Michael Dosmann MM Lakeville #353 Lakeville, Indiana
but living in Ames, Iowa
Hello, I have bookmarked your site so that I can read all the articles at a more leisurely pace than is possible at the moment. Some of the titles are most interesting. Very nice home page too. Read about it in the masonic newsletter from Grady. Jesse G. Cunningham Past Master, Chester # 115 Chestertown, Maryland, U.S.A.
As a PDDGM and LEO, I was impressed with your site. I am planning on using some of your articles to change so minds of anti-masons and some brethern that have dropped out because of a local preacher's attitude toward masonry Thanks for a great site and I will be back!!!!!!!!!!!
As a PDDGM and LEO, I was impressed with your site. I am planning on using some of your articles to change some minds of anti-masons and some brethern that have dropped out because of a local preacher's attitude toward masonry Thanks for a great site and I will be back!!!!!!!!!!!
As a PDDGM and LEO, I will be using some of your information to dispell rumors, and to help people understand what Masonry is and about. Thanks for a great site. I will pass it along to other Masons.
Joseph R Smith, PDDGM Arlington Lodge #346 Dixon, Mo.
Nelson: I very much enjoy your web page. It is informative, original and interesting Allan Hick, London, ON
I like the website and the papers will help when I am asked to give a talk in lodge.
I like the website and the papers will help when I am asked to give a talk in lodge.
I like the website and the papers will help when I am asked to give a talk in lodge.
I like the website and the papers will help when I am asked to give a talk in lodge.
I very much enjoyed reading some of the articles on your site. Some are very different and enjoyable while others realy make you stop and think. Thank you! Clayton L. Swan - P.M. Hiram Lodge No. 105 F. & A. M. Amherst, New York. We are "The oldest Lodge in Erie County, New York". We celebrated our 150th Anniversary in 1995.
Wonderful Web Site! Have put your page on my Favorite List and will come back to read more of the very interesting articles. I picked up your site from the Hiram Newsletter. Am looking forward to visiting again. David R. Patrick, Sr. Deacon Florissant Lodge No. 668 St. Louis, MO index.html Editor & Fellow Webm@ster
As a Past Master and present Secretary of United Brethren Lodge, situated in Marlboro, MA, I was most pleased to find your web site. You have provided me with a lot of answers to questions I have been frequently asked and have not always had a good answer for. Thanks for bringing me "More Light".
Wor. Robert W. Bailey
I have bookmarked your page. As a fairly new(11-30-97) mason I am very greatful for web pages like yours which serve to educate and dispell many myths about freemasonry. Thank You.
This is only a test
Nothing to add brother. Just got here. I get the Hirman Newsletter and it listed you as a site we should add to links. Since I'm not a webmaseter, I visit.
If I remember.... that being one of the first things to go :-), I will come back a leave a comment after I visit for a while.
F/ Carl Willi
Greetings from Lyndhurst Ohio, home of Acacia #651. I just read your WHY, WHY, WHY article and you hit upon something that I have thought about for years---The Lodges are just too big! Lots of members, but only a few doers! (Go to Chapter, Scottish Rite, -- whatever---and you always see the same dedicated people) I see it all the time; a large Lodge with many older members cannot form a line of officers, so they fold and attach themselves to another Lodge in almost the same condition. It is an implosion because 0x0 still = 0. Now there exists twice as many members with weak leadership, and few if any candidates.--The answer? As you say, garner together 15 or 20 members who may be interested in forming a Lodge that is more manageble and perhaps more homogenious as to the Lodge "flavor" (for lack of a better word) and petition for a charter. Make it relatively expensive and hard to join and keep the dues at a level where they hate to miss anything . We do not need a numbers game!!
The concept of small friendly and exclusive is overwhelmingly attractive!
I thoruoghly enjoy visiting your page, I find that reading your your speeches and information renews my interest in the craft . I am relatively new being raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in march of 1997.
I have seen the leadership course offer on the grand lodge homepage and hope to enroll in it within the next few months. Is this the same course that you describe in your website?
Fraternally yours
Joe Scott Martintown #598
I find this a most welcome site. The papers are excellent. I will hopefully beusing this site many times in the future
Your ways of doing things are strange to me also most i like some i do not know if they will work in our area or not.
I have bookmarked your web site because i enjoyed it very much, and can see that you put your hearth and soul in it. Jack Robbins Junior Deacon Washington Lodge #17 Hamilton Ohio USA
I enjoyed your website, and will try to visit on a regular basis. Perry S. Ecksel, Senior Warden, Equity Lodge, 591 -Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-USA
Brother King,
As I said, I am back to drop another line after reviewing you site. I am very glad I did stop by to visit. Your work is most impressive and I truly enjoyed reading your letters. Most inlightening. Having not traveled (masonically) to Canada, I have not had the priveldge of sitting in Lodge. I can infer from your writing that it is different. I do like the idea of conducting all business in the EA.
So, I think your site is, in my opinion, one of the best I been to. I WILL spread the word to my fellow Masons here in Rhode Island who are on the net.
Fraternally, Carl WIlli, PM St. John's No.1, Newport Rhode Island
Good Evening from a Brother in London Ontario the Senior Steward with the Irish Lodge St John's 20. Have added your location to bookmark and will read it in full later. Keep spreading the word.
Congretulations! Very informative site. I've enjoyed in reading it!
Dejan Sinadinovic Pobratim Lodge MWRGL "Yugoslavia"
Nelson I would not have expected anything less from you when it came to setting up a web page. There are several areas that must be talked about in lodge to keep those masons aware. Hope to see you soon. Fraternally Shelly Kofsky
Just received your web site and am about to explore my freind at our lodge gave it to me said it was terrific time will tell.
Nelson. You did great, not only did you get this Site going again but the music really sets it off.
Nelson: very interesting site. Do I have your permission to use your papers for some Masonic Education? Have ocpies 14 separate pages, would like to share them with Lodge and District Education Officer's.
Congrats on your double FPS, Nelson.
One of the better sites. Congratulations
Have just completed reading and digesting your paper "No Du Guard! He Can't Be A Mason. Can He? -- As Custodian of the Uniform Work for the 7th Masonic District, Ga's Largest District, I am asked about these differences quiet frequently and through previous study I am able to answer the question in a satisfactory manner BUT, I like the way you summed it up. As this work is copyrighted, I would like permission to quote and read portions of same. James E. Sledge - MPS
You really are going to the heart of the matter! I can only begin to imagine the impact this would have if read out to our small SW Ontario lodge. Have you any ideas for "sweetening the bitter pill"? We are now making our plans for holding an "Open House" in the near future; in the past these have not been successful with us, and we are looking for ideas. Any help you could give would be much appreciated, and I shall try to get up enough nerve to read your paper in open lodge! I wish you every success in your endeavours, and remain Yours Fraternally, Arthur G. Heartfield PM Xenophon Lodge No.448 G.R.C.
You really are going to the heart of the matter! I can only begin to imagine the impact this would have if read out to our small SW Ontario lodge. Have you any ideas for "sweetening the bitter pill"? We are now making our plans for holding an "Open House" in the near future; in the past these have not been successful with us, and we are looking for ideas. Any help you could give would be much appreciated, and I shall try to get up enough nerve to read your paper in open lodge! I wish you every success in your endeavours, and remain Yours Fraternally, Arthur G. Heartfield PM Xenophon Lodge No.448 G.R.C.
Nicely written Sir;
To those who would cast stones at a purportly evil organization, firstly I would cast an unjaundaced eye in the mirror then around me while at church on sunday, the sunday morning fashion parade?? putting on a show for my fellow man, want an answer, ask the man in the mirror, he never lies.
Bro. Nelson The page is excellent and what is needed. The articles are sound. Good work True Work, square work It is refreshing to see not every one is lead down the garden path by the rhetoric of change. Change is needed, change back to common sense about Masonry Continue to give us Masonry. Your right on target May the Grand Architect bless your efforts. cthorn
I hope you will continue the good work for Freemasonry. We need to work together and this is one way we have of contacting each other and gettiing their ideas for membership. We are all in the same boat, need new members and better attendance at Lodge meetings.
I agree with your comments concerning the ultra-large egos of Grand Lodge Officers. As to what we can do about it, we must continue to cultivate meaningful programs on the symbolic lodge level. When the grand lodges suffer enough embarrassment from their lack of vision as compared to their subordinate lodges, then we will see the quality of grand lodge officers improve.
Nelson King Thank you so very much for the effort that was made in developing the web-page. Some of the information l hope to use at our meetings to start the grey matter working. Joseph Davey W.M Zeredatha Lodge Uxbridge Ont.
Thanks for the educational web-=site. I will be raised to Master Mason next week and am planning on applying to the Philalethes Society for membership
I remain fascinated at the constant stream of valuable info re Masonic --- I am Historian for the District and the Lodge, and find pyx to be a constant source of inspiration. This page is a second best source as well.Keep up the good work -- a willing horse is soon worked to death - I hope you live a long time yet!FraternallyKevan
Mr Nelson, I do agree with every word in the Holy Bible. It is God's word. God is perfect. We are not. God sent his only son Jesus to us so that he could die and pay the price of our sins with his blamless blood--so that we would not be dammed, and would have eternal life. I love Jesus. He is my Lord. He is my salvation. One can only get to hevan because of God's grace--through Jesus. We are all imperfect and bad, and are unworthy of salvation and we ALL diserve death and there for cannot be in the presence of God. But Jesus payed for our sins at Calvery when He so graciously gave his life for me, and you and everyone. On that day, at that moment, Jesus payed the price for every sin, no matter how many or how bad, of every person. All we have to do is believe, and call on Jesus and acept him as your Lord and Christ. He gives it freely to everyone that accepts him. When you accept him you are a new creation. You are no longer bonded by sin. Sin is no longer you master, But Jesus is. You will not be judged under the law, but saved by grace, through Jesus Christ. He made a new covenent. When we acept him as our lord and Christ we are saved from death and burning eternally in hell. We instead will have eternal life and will live forever with God in hevan. There is only one God. And he is a jelaous God. He says to worship no others before him. He is the God of the Bible, not of the Koran, or any other religions books. Jesus is fortold by the profits in the Old Testiment. He full filled all the masiac prfocies. He is the Christ that God said he would send. If you don't put you faith in he alone, you will be damned to hell. Jesus loves everyone. He wants you to go to hevan. If you call on him, he will be there. He will save you, just ask him to. He loves you so much, he gave his life for you. Please, please, for youself, pray to Jesus. Confess your sins to him. Tell him who you are. Ask him to show you the truth. Tell him that you are a sinner, but that you believe that he died for you and that you accept him and want him to be your lord. Tell him that you are through with running your life, and that you would like him to take control and that you want to spend eternity in heaven with him. I sencerly hope that you accept Jesus as you savior. I would like to meet you in heaven some day. I hope you get there. You know how. I'll pray for you. May God bless you and fill your heart with his desires, and may the all come true. Your friend in Christ, Adam
Dear Brethren: I am writing to you from the state of Minnesota. I have been a Mason for more than three years. I have enjoyed all aspects of the Lodge. However, I am always fond of the tremendous amount of ongoing research that Masonry produces. I enjoyed the pictures from Cuba that depicted many Masonic structures. I understand that Masonry is active in Cuba. I am a member of Tusler-Summit Lodge #263, A.F.&A.M. located in Roseville, Minnesota (a suburb north of St. Paul). I am also a member of the Scottish Rite, S.J. USA, Valley of Minneapolis, Orient of Minnesota. I would welcome any information, or direction, with respect to joining a research body. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration! Un Triplr Abrazo Fraternal ha todos los Hermanos! (A Triple Fraternal Embrace to all the Brethren).
Dear Brethren: I am writing to you from the state of Minnesota. I have been a Mason for more than three years. I have enjoyed all aspects of the Lodge. However, I am always fond of the tremendous amount of ongoing research that Masonry produces. I enjoyed the pictures from Cuba that depicted many Masonic structures. I understand that Masonry is active in Cuba. I am a member of Tusler-Summit Lodge #263, A.F.&A.M. located in Roseville, Minnesota (a suburb north of St. Paul). I am also a member of the Scottish Rite, S.J. USA, Valley of Minneapolis, Orient of Minnesota. I would welcome any information, or direction, with respect to joining a research body. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration! Un Triple Abrazo Fraternal ha todos los Hermanos! (A Triple Fraternal Embrace to all the Brethren).
Dear Bro.Nelson King Have read all your articles of this site and especia lly the Why?Why?Why?.I fully agree with you .No just members but true Masons.This happens,I think, in most GL of the world,not only in North America(Propa bly in a smaller scale but it happens). Ancient Charges should be tought and taught every day. Congratulations!!!
Bro.Anthony Erinis Deacon, "KLEOVOULOS" Lodge 109 of AF&AM Rhodes Island GREECE
I think your Web Page is excellent - that the Philalethes Society/Magazine and Editor provide an immeasurable product for Freemasonry. We hear so often about the imminent demise of our Fraternity that I am persuaded to believe that the excellence of the entire Philelathes 'offering' has to be instrumental in the continuation of our Fraternity.
S & F. Robert A. Love, P.M.
Do you have any information on the influence of the Antients on Masonry in North America? I've gotten interested in the issue. having visited a lodge in South Carolina and seeing how different their ritual is.
I'd like to do some research for our Lodge of Research in Wisconsin.
John Diesem, WM Wauwatosa Lodge #267, WI
Very thought provoking and crisp observations. Will be delighted to follow your further considerations. Fraternally. K. P.Jørgensen, Denmark
Brother Nelson
You have an excellant site. I have begun to read your papers and I look forward to the rest most eagerly. I am a new member of Philalethes and am enjoying that as well. A question, I joined in November, will I get some sort of membership package and information in the mail. As yet, i have only access to the e-mail newsletter. What about these Chapters I hear about?
Rick Roberts, PDDGM (Wellington) Irvine Lodge # 203 Elora, Ontario
very good site good reading material in it.Keep up the good work bro nelson.
What a site ! Greeting`s from the lodge of DAVY CROCKETT in the great state of Tennessee, Dresden Lodge #90, Dresden Tn.U.S.A. We need your help! Give the Gift of Life, Be an ORGAN/TISSUE DONOR, It`s the MASONIC thing to do !!! Want more information ? Click on the following. Just follow direction`s.
Your site is very impressive and must take a lot of your time to maintain.
Keep up the good work
Parabens por sua pagina. E disso que a maconaria precisa. De Irmaos que propagem nossos ideais pelo mundo.
Dear brother Nelson I am a III degree Freemason in Northstar N*, Copenhagen, Denmark I have enjoyed your site very much and will be visiting regularly. Regarding your article about whether everyone has the right to be a freemason, I have thought a lot about this lately. My conclusion so far is, that I would not suggest to anyone to become a freemason unless I was certain that this person would really be happy as a freemason, fit in with the milieu and loyally go through all the the things that I have been with the same enthusiasm and urge to delve more into the background and purpose of the freemason-work. Now, all of this certainly is asking a lot from someone. In other words, this is something so big and demanding that you jsut cannot ask just anyone to join. Even though some of your friends may be real good and loving people, they may not necessarily be the right kind of persons for freemasonry. Not that freemasons are above anyone else. Certainly not. It is just that it is such a special world you enter, that it takes certain drives and ambitions in your personality to make the most of it and feel really good about being a freemason. With brotherly respect to alle masons around the world.
Per Lyhne, Copenhagen, Denmark
Dear bro Nelson Is it possible to reverse the order of the messages in the guestbook, so that the latest entries will be on top. This way it will be easier and faster for frequent users to check up on the latest bulletin-boards and greeting from fellow masons. Once again - it is great to meet brothers this way.
Per Lyhne, Copenhagen, Denmark
First: I apologize, but I hit the wrong key and have sent some garbage (unfilled out form) just prior to this one. I can only ask for your brotherly love and forgiveness.
Second: I love your Web Site and will visit it often. It is, in my opinion, informative and agreeable.
Charlie Snyder Junior Deacon Washington #5, AFB Charleston, SC
Bro. King,
Kudos and hats off to your site. One of the finest I have visited since I've started cyber-surfing. Also I emplore you to keep the "Masonic Education" tools coming. I am like a sponge, try to soak it all up. Thanks
Bro. Bell
Nelson you are the greatist example of a good mason. Your papers are great. Why did I get of line? I am a member and will be back on line soon. I am missing to much that is good about Masonry. Broward Davis Glenville Lodge #551 Cashiers NC
Greetings-Big Guy long time no see. Very nice website. Bill Goddard PM Parkdale Lodge 510 GRC
Greetings Bro. King:
I am appreciative of your contacting me and ensuring that I have access to your Web Page. I have found it to be an interesting experience looking over the contents of the information that you make available on your Web Page, I would like to maintain some link with you, therefore, in order to facilitate this I hope that you will respond to this comment page in the near future. The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, Province of Ontario and Jurisdiction has been very active in its attempts to prepare for dragging itself into the new millenium with a view to widening its base of understanding as to how to deal with technological change and how to best make a smooth transition into our ways of communicating and keeping records effectively and efficiently. The difficulties arising out of radical change in an institution such as this of ours, an institution which historically maintains its resistance to change in high regard shall certainly have a difficult time dealing with any transition from the norm even though the definition of norm may be under question in many instances. However, I did not intend to get off on a tangent. I have read much of the material that is on your Web Page and shall no doubt have read the remainder shortly. I shall say this, that I am, as I mentioned earlier, am happy to have received your communication and I am sure that I shall be communicating with you in an ongoing fashion. Keep up the good work, your Web Page is an inspiration to those that do not have one in place as yet.
M.T.S.A.O.T.U. bless you and yours always
Clayton Talbert, Sr. R. W. Grand Secretary M. W. P. H. G. L., F. & A. M. Province of Ontario and Jurisdiction
Just found your page and will study it over time. Thanks for your assistance with Research Lodge of New South Wales. Andy Walker, Secretary.
Your website is a true source of light to many brothers and sisters who have been submersed in half trues and outright lies. Thank you so much for providing so much in a way that it can be received. As a true believer in "universal freemasonry" I am pleased and pround to know that brothers such as you are open to the light and comfortable sharing it.
Dear Brother, Yours is a most informative and impressive site. I would like to invite you and all brothers to visit our web site and sign ouir guest book. Our URL is Fraternally, brother Jerry Lerman Hollywood, Florida.
Dear Brother, Yours is a most informative and impressive site. I would like to invite you and all brothers to visit our web site and sign our guest book. Our URL is Fraternally, brother Jerry Lerman Hollywood, Florida.
My name is Casiano Verdin Saldana, I live in San Francisco del Rincon,Guanajuato,Mexico.Iwas living in Canada for a while in Aurora Ont.,Montreal, Sturgeon Falls,Ont. And I was very impress about founding your adress in the net but I was really pleased about the great info you handle, the work youre doing is just excelent. I work in Mexico in Supremo Consejo de Mexico I work in the 30th Grade SAAR. And let me tell that most of the concepts that are in your articules compile a lot of knolege at all the different Grades. Keep on with the good work. G.^.A.^.O.^.T.^.U.^. bless you.
My name is Casiano Verdin Saldana, I live in San Francisco del Rincon,Guanajuato,Mexico.Iwas living in Canada for a while in Aurora Ont.,Montreal, Sturgeon Falls,Ont. And I was very impress about founding your adress in the net but I was really pleased about the great info you handle, the work youre doing is just excelent. I work in Mexico in Supremo Consejo de Mexico I work in the 30th Grade SAAR. And let me tell that most of the concepts that are in your articules compile a lot of knolege at all the different Grades. Keep on with the good work. G.^.A.^.O.^.T.^.U.^. bless you.
I'm watching you, Nelson.
(To learn more about Masonry.) I really enjoy the PSOC list. Thank you.
The Philalethes Society website dedicated to Wor. Bro. Allen E. Roberts is absolutely fantastic! I had the pleasure to meet Bro. Roberts at the annual feast & forum in 1989. At that time I was in the craft only 1 yr. It was the 60th anniversary of the society. I'd like to get on the e-mail list if possible.
Very nicely done. Keep up the great work! If you get a chance stop by Manchester Lodge No.12 F&AM at S&F Glenn Carlson J:.W:. Manchester Lodge No.12 F&AM, Coventry, RI
Looks good. Back to the Future is one of the subjects in my 1989 paper "Our Masonic Religion"
Nice site ...... I am a Life Member of Mitchell Lodge No. 85, Grand Lodge of Illinois. I enjoyed my visit and will return ..... . I have never regretted kneeling at the altar of masonry! God Bless, Bro. Clifford Holloway (Masonry made me a better soldier, better neighbor, better husband, better citizen!)
Very nice page with a lot of interesting articles, we hope that more articles are included in the future
Bro.Nelson, My congratulations for hosting an excellent site, very informative and useful, especially to junior masons like me. The articles put up on the site are good, and if you're going to update them with newer articles, please let me know on mail. I'd also be grateful if you could send me copies of your publications at my following address : 171/B, Sanjeeva Reddy Nagar, Hyderabad - 500 038. Andhra Pradesh. INDIA. I'm a Master Mason (currently Inner Guard) of Lodge Morland No. 25, INDIA, and am keenly interested in collecting masonic literature. Regards S & F Bro. V.L. Narayanan
Bro. Nelson, I wish to congratulate you for hosting such an attractive and informative website; this is my very first visit, but I'll be back again and again. Concerning the very interesting collection of papers, I think that I should present/share same with all the Brethren in my Lodge. Could I have your kind permission to do so? I do like to get on your E-Mail list; would you be kind enough to subscribe me? Thank you in advance. Keep up with the good work!
Fraternally, Demetris C. Fragopoulos, Fellowcraft, Filiki Eteria #24, Piraeus-Greece.
Very nice.
Fraternal greetings to all brethren from Finland!
Bro. Jorma Passi
Bro. King,
My name is Jason B. Grant, currently SW of Lodge No. 45, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. I have just read some of your papers posted on the site, and I particularly enjoyed "Why? Why? Why?" Your observations resonate with my own feelings on the numbers game being played by too many within the Craft, both at the subordinate and Grand Lodge levels. I have experienced Masonry in Germany first-hand, with small lodges, longer time requirements between degrees, delivery of papers in open lodge by candidates, etc., and while these small lodges have their own problems, the Brethren who are present at meetings truly know about the Craft and are MASONS, not merely card-carrying members. I am often frustrated by the fact that my lodge, with nearly 900 members (an amalgamation of several weak lodges), is full of members who could not even work their way into a lodge if put to the test. I am not satisfied with simply being frustrated, however. As chairman of my lodge's education committee, I am promoting a return to fundamentals...making sure we stress the proficiency guidelines which are, sadly, foolishly few and only loosely observed in this jurisdiction. I realize I cannot change things by myself, and a turn-around will not happen overnight, but I feel that promoting Masonic knowledge from the get-go will have a positive effect later on down the road. I ask your permission to use portions of your papers as a supplement to my own comments that I plan to make at future meetings of the lodge. At my last educational presentation, I think I ruffled some feathers when I stated that recommenders should not sign candidates' petitions unless they were duly proficient in Masonic knowledge. I think Grand Lodge might think I was taking too hard-line a stance, but then again, Grand Lodge is playing a numbers game. I'd like to see at least some elements of the European system here, with paper presentations and longer waits between degrees, to make sure the candidate gets a meaningful journey through the Craft. I am gravely dissatisfied by the "three month plan" Mason factory we are currently running. The question I keep asking myself is: how far can I put my ambitions into practice before the members report me to Grand Lodge for tampering with the system (read, keeping their candidates from getting into the one-day Scottish Rite/Shrine classes). I would appreciate any feedback/thoughts/advice you might have for me, being one of the youngest SW's (age 27 years) this Lodge has had, at least in recent memory, and feeling a little trepidation at going against the old boy's club, which may very well occur if I try to implement what I think is right. Thanks very much for making me do some thinking and reflecting on issues that have been floating in my head for a number of years. Keep up the excellent work.
Jason B. Grant Senior Warden, Lodge No. 45, F & AM Pittsburgh, Penssylvania, USA
Bro. King,
My name is Jason B. Grant, currently SW of Lodge No. 45, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. I have just read some of your papers posted on the site, and I particularly enjoyed "Why? Why? Why?" Your observations resonate with my own feelings on the numbers game being played by too many within the Craft, both at the subordinate and Grand Lodge levels. I have experienced Masonry in Germany first-hand, with small lodges, longer time requirements between degrees, delivery of papers in open lodge by candidates, etc., and while these small lodges have their own problems, the Brethren who are present at meetings truly know about the Craft and are MASONS, not merely card-carrying members. I am often frustrated by the fact that my lodge, with nearly 900 members (an amalgamation of several weak lodges), is full of members who could not even work their way into a lodge if put to the test. I am not satisfied with simply being frustrated, however. As chairman of my lodge's education committee, I am promoting a return to fundamentals...making sure we stress the proficiency guidelines which are, sadly, foolishly few and only loosely observed in this jurisdiction. I realize I cannot change things by myself, and a turn-around will not happen overnight, but I feel that promoting Masonic knowledge from the get-go will have a positive effect later on down the road. I ask your permission to use portions of your papers as a supplement to my own comments that I plan to make at future meetings of the lodge. At my last educational presentation, I think I ruffled some feathers when I stated that recommenders should not sign candidates' petitions unless they were duly proficient in Masonic knowledge. I think Grand Lodge might think I was taking too hard-line a stance, but then again, Grand Lodge is playing a numbers game. I'd like to see at least some elements of the European system here, with paper presentations and longer waits between degrees, to make sure the candidate gets a meaningful journey through the Craft. I am gravely dissatisfied by the "three month plan" Mason factory we are currently running. The question I keep asking myself is: how far can I put my ambitions into practice before the members report me to Grand Lodge for tampering with the system (read, keeping their candidates from getting into the one-day Scottish Rite/Shrine classes). I would appreciate any feedback/thoughts/advice you might have for me, being one of the youngest SW's (age 27 years) this Lodge has had, at least in recent memory, and feeling a little trepidation at going against the old boy's club, which may very well occur if I try to implement what I think is right. Thanks very much for making me do some thinking and reflecting on issues that have been floating in my head for a number of years. Keep up the excellent work.
Jason B. Grant Senior Warden, Lodge No. 45, F & AM Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
I think you should publish all this into a book.
absolutley love your site.
Super site enjoyed your articles, keep up the good work
Dear Nelson, Should have done this before but, congratulations on a wonderful site for Masons and Non-Masons as well. Articles are well written and of real value in knowledge and presentation. I would like to think that one day I may have the pleasure and privilege of greeting you 'hand to hand'. John McKone
Dear Nelson, Should have done this before but, congratulations on a wonderful site for Masons and Non-Masons as well. Articles are well written and of real value in knowledge and presentation. I would like to think that one day I may have the pleasure and privilege of greeting you 'hand to hand'. John McKone
Dear Nelson, Should have done this before but, congratulations on a wonderful site for Masons and Non-Masons as well. Articles are well written and of real value in knowledge and presentation. I would like to think that one day I may have the pleasure and privilege of greeting you 'hand to hand'. John McKone
Bro.Nelson, thought I would sneak a peak at your web-site. Very impressive!
bro. ralph
Dear Brother King
I found your website a huge boost ,I will forward your URL to all my online brothers .I would aso like to ask for permission to make copies of your "open letter to the Christian Anti-Mason..." I know of some Brothers who would find it of value . It took me 10 years to decide to become a Mason and now that I am a Mason it has changed my life .I have met some of the finest people I know in Lodge and I look forward to the many years ahead in the company of these fine people .
At my Raising I was asked to say a few words .I would like to share these words with you all. " In my life I have belonged to a number of groups .Never before have I found such a fine group of people .I have never felt so welcome . I am proud to be counted among the numbers of such a great group of people ."
Thank you for all the great info .
You friend and Brother
Alex Westman Granton Lodge #483 A.F. & A.M
I have enjoyed your web site and agree with most of your arguments,"if that is the right word to use" the amount of research and the time involved leave the reader in no doubt as to your great love of the craft and I feel it a privalidge to have been able to study it at length. I will close now wishing you fraternal greetings from myself w. s. w. of lodge clydesdale glasgow 556 of S.C.
I have enjoyed your web site and agree with most of your arguments,"if that is the right word to use" the amount of research and the time involved leave the reader in no doubt as to your great love of the craft and I feel it a privalidge to have been able to study it at length. I will close now wishing you fraternal greetings from myself w. s. w. of lodge clydesdale glasgow 556 of S.C.
Thanks for letting me share your web site. Very interesting and informative. I enjoy reading the many articles. Roger E. Eisner, Ionic Lodge #73, Middleton, N.S.
I was invited to visit your page, and I've been gratefully pleased by finding this very well done page.
My name is Evaristo Velasco and I'm the Grand Secretary of the Gran Lodge of the state of Aguascalientes in Mexico, and through me, pelase recieve all the frternal love we have.
At the same time we invite you to visit our home page. Tahank you in advance.
Enjoy your Web Site. Will you be at the Northern Shrine Convention in Canada next yesr? If so, maybe we will be able to talk more. Thanks again. Brotheren Always, Ron Claing
Thanks for directing me to your site. I am still wondering if the quality time we have in North America affects members joining? I agree the the traditional way is the way to go. In Minnesota many of the older members are very upset about changing the rules on drinking in a Lodge.
Brother -
*Very* interesting reading. Thanks!
jim scott Simon W Robinsonb Lodge Lexington, MA
How do I join the Philalethes Society? Wor. Francis E. Foster PM and Secretary Satucket Lodge AF&AM East Bridgewater, MA
very nice web site; congratulation
Please visit my home page - It's fun and free:) Cheers, Tucker
Thanks for erecting and maintaining a great Masonic site and e-mail program. I am new to your site, but old to Freemsonry. I was raised in April, 1947 and was the Charter Master of Mesa Lodge #68 in Albuquerque, NM in 1950. We celebrated our GOLDEN JUBILEE in June, 1999 in great style with a "Taable Lodge" Keep up the good work, and I am ordering a BAFF Pin. It is nice to see so many concerned Masons discussing many profound ideas. Thabks.
Brother Nelson, a clear, well defined page with plenty to attract and hold the attention of all brethren, not just Philalethes members. I'll be back often - Ed Brown, MM
Brother Nelson, A clear, well defined page with plenty to attract and hold the attention of all brethren, not just Philalethes members. I'll be back often - Ed Brown, MM
Brother Nelson, A clear, well defined page with plenty to attract and hold the attention of all brethren, not just Philalethes members. I'll be back often - Ed Brown, MM
I think it's totally great. You are doing a tremendous service for the craft. I am an MPS, a Past Master of Bremond 241 in Newport News, Va. A member of three other blue lodges, Royal Arch, Knight Templar, Shriner, Allied Masonic Degrees, Past Master of all four Scottish Rite Bodies, and am currently the Secretary of the Valley of Newport News, Orient of Virginia. Best wishes and continued success.
Ward Braswell
very impressive, as a pm in nine orders of masonry,I found it very enlightening.
I am totally blind and a past master. I live in victoria australia. I can say that I to am a baff and we are needed in society more than ever before. This web site is great. I got the address from a friend lional Boxer. Yours fraternally James A Bayliss Creswick Havilah 26 Victoria Australia
Very, Very informative web site.
A very good view of freemasonry, A very good site, I'll recommend it to all my brothers.
Best fraternal regards from France
Laurent Jaunaux
Your web-site is very impressive. Best wishes to you from Turkey.
Brother King,
I read your paper entilted "Why, Why, Why". I'm truly humbled and very embarrassed with myself. E-mail me about that last statement and I'll tell you why. THANK YOU for caring about our craft.
Greeting from Brother Ron Purpura of Harmonia Lodge # 138 F.& A.M. in the Grand Lodge of Florida. You have done a super job with your site. I enjoyed reading your articles. I will revisit often and, with your permission, print out some and use them in Lodge as part of our Masonic Education series. Have a wonderful Holiday and a healthy New Year. Bro. Ron Purpura MPS
Dear Nelson, First of all, I want to introduce myself even if I know you already from another group. My name is Jacques Vogel, M.M. at North Shore Lodge No.277 in Dade County, Florida, that's it. It doesn't matter what other titles.... I'm asking your permission to print out and quote some of your articles for the purpose of Masonic Education in our Lodge. The installation of the officers for 2000 will happen on January 4th, 2000 at Hialeah-Opa Locka Masonic Temple located at 150 W 2oth St. in Hialeah dinner at 6:00 p.m. with ceremony to follow. You and all the Brothers are cordially invited to attend Want to wish you a Happy Holyday Season and if I may request a gift I would like to receive from you more information about Traditional Lodges. Fraternally Jacques Vogel P.S. Keep the wonderful job you're doing for all of us Masons
Excellent site, I am Junior Warden in a small lodge in South East England, and have found all your material inspirational and am looking forward to becoming Master in 2 years time, and will certainly refer to your material for some guidance. Fraternal regards Simon Banham, Panmure Lodge No 723
Great website my brother. I will be back. Murray
WBro. Nelson, Your site is great, but I wanted to comment on the pictures of the Lodge summons. It wasn't all that many years ago that we saw that kind of quality in the sheets we used for them. I have several left from my SC Mother Lodge, Civil and Military #726 in Bermuda, and it is almost a lesson or review of our symbology for each recipient - I know, the "good old days", and all, eh? Sincerely and fraternally, Ed Brown
Nice site Nelson. I have just put up a Web site for Northwest Georgia Masonry. Being a webmaster novice, it will be under construction for some time. I am amazed that so little Masons are on the Web. Email and Web sites are the best way I know for Masons to communicate and receive current information.
Read your paper; Why, Why, Why and agree 100% We need quality first and foremost not quanity. Fred Clarke P.G.M. Nova Scotia
frsaternal greetings; l find your web site very nice
Greetings Worshipful Sir: I have but glanced at your web pages but promise to come back again soon to view them more fully. Your reputation, Brother King, has preceeded you and I look forward to spending more time within the pages of your web. Fraternally in the bonds of our ancient Order, Michael D. Gillard, P.M. #229, Indiana
Bro Nelson, Very informative site you have here. Now that I'm here I remember visiting before. This time of course I signed the Porch Book. Thanks for the infomation you recommended. I look forward to reading it. S&F Hugh
Bro Nelson, Very informative site you have here. Now that I'm here I remember visiting before. This time of course I signed the Porch Book. Thanks for the infomation you recommended. I look forward to reading it. S&F Hugh
A most interesting site. Keep up the good work.
bro nelson thankyou for such a interesting site I have been a member of the philalethes for a number of years and spritually this helped me through a difficult time I remember talking to bro allen roberts on the telephone once when I wanted advice and he was kind and helpful, a few weeks later he died fond memories and this year we are on holiday in califonia when I hope to visit masonic places of interest I have just read your main article in the latest philalethes magazine and thankyou for such good reading sincerly and fraternally your w.e.roberts
As my mother lodge is Scottish and my joining lodge is English, and having travelled the world and attended many different rituals. I enjoyed your article on the Due Guard, and can understand why some of the Brothers would not understand masonic procedure when an English Brother visits a lodge here in the Philippines as we use the Due Guard, and form of Webb Working which in many respects is a far cry for the Emulation Working.
As my mother lodge is Scottish and my joining lodge is English, and having travelled the world and attended many different rituals. I enjoyed your article on the Due Guard, and can understand why some of the Brothers would not understand masonic procedure when an English Brother visits a lodge here in the Philippines as we use the Due Guard, and form of Webb Working which in many respects is a far cry form the Emulation Working.
As my mother lodge is Scottish and my joining lodge is English, and having travelled the world and attended many different rituals. I enjoyed your article on the Due Guard, and can understand why some of the Brothers would not understand masonic procedure when an English Brother visits a lodge here in the Philippines as we use the Due Guard, and form of Webb Working which in many respects is a far cry from the Emulation Working.
I Like to Read the literature. I would like more, thank you.
Bro. King, thank you , so very much, for inviting me to view this outstanding Masonic site. The question I asked of you, about the pre-union and post-union rituals, has been satisfactorily answered. With your permission I would love to introduce some of the information found here to the Brothers of the 16th Masonic District, MWPHGL of NC.
S & F. Bro. Howard R. Jones D.D.G.M.
It is about time that someone has taken it upon themselves to speak for the good of freemasonary, I too am a free mason and I was very pleased to see that a lot of comments being made throughout the years by many uninformed people were answered through this website!! I as a free mason have come across a lot of negativity and accusations from people not of the craft but this evening when I came across your page , i was very very happy to see the true masonic light being put in its right place! Thank you for the pleasure of seeing this again!! A well informed session that you gave with notable references, keep up the good work brother!!!!
Sincerely, A brother
It is about time that someone has taken it upon themselves to speak for the good of freemasonary, I too am a free mason and I was very pleased to see that a lot of comments being made throughout the years by many uninformed people were answered through this website!! I as a free mason have come across a lot of negativity and accusations from people not of the craft but this evening when I came across your page , i was very very happy to see the true masonic light being put in its right place! Thank you for the pleasure of seeing this again!! A well informed session that you gave with notable references, keep up the good work brother!!!!
Sincerely, A brother
It is about time that someone has taken it upon themselves to speak for the good of freemasonary, I too am a free mason and I was very pleased to see that a lot of comments being made throughout the years by many uninformed people were answered through this website!! I as a free mason have come across a lot of negativity and accusations from people not of the craft but this evening when I came across your page , i was very very happy to see the true masonic light being put in its right place! Thank you for the pleasure of seeing this again!! A well informed session that you gave with notable references, keep up the good work brother!!!!
Sincerely, A brother