Uitgave t.e.v. het 100 jarig bestaan van de GB

This edition was issued in honour of the centennial anniversary of Lodge "De Gooische Broederschap" from that issue we copied the following:

De Gooische Broederschap (The Gooi Fraternity)

was the first Lodge consacreted in 't Gooi region. Soon enough more lodges would follow. Many times when a Lodge starts growing and has many members, some of the brethern take the initiative to found a new lodge. Sometimes when many members of a freemason lodge are living in an other town they start thinking of founding one in their hometown when there are enough to support the initiative.
In Bussum in 1919 the Lodge

In Vrijheid Een (In Freedom unity)

was founded by the brethern from De Gooische Broederschap. The name is typical for the men belonging to that particular lodge.
Again in 1932 the brethern from de Gooische Broederschap took the initiative to found a new Lodge this time in the city of Baarn by the name:


And then in 1949 again ten brethern took the initiative to found yet an other Masonic Lodge in Hilversum with the coöperation, though not wholeheartedly, from De Gooische Broederschap. They had to straighten out a lot of affairs before they could get started, such as the use of the Lodge building and the amount of rent to pay. But finally all was settled and their dream became reality as Lodge

Opgang (Ascent)

was consacreted. Of all the brethern of Lodge De Gooische Broederschap, 22 became member of this newly installed masonic workingplace.
Freemasonry was growing and flowering in the cities of Hilversum and Bussum. In 1956 a new Lodge was consacreted in the city of Naarden under the Name

Jan Amos Comenius

In Hilversum even a third Lodge was founded in 1964 by the name of

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

And again many of the brethern from the surrounding Lodges joined this new masonic homage to the famous composer, because they were either in love with his music or they agreed with the ritual interpretation of the ceremonies of this new Lodge.
And again in 1976 a new Lodge was founded in the region in the city of Huizen by the name

Scharende Broeders (Convening Brothers)

Members from the Lodges in the cities of Huizen and Naarden took again the initiative to found a new Lodge in the the reclaimed 'polderland' area in the city of Almere and on october 21st 1995

Herrezen Land (Reclaimed Land)

was solemly consacreted by the Dutch Grandlodge.

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Soundfragment the Adagio from the clarinet concerto in A major by W.A.Mozart (KV 622)

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