
Springtime in Delaware


   It’s springtime in Delaware and soon it will be the dark time in our various Masonic Bodies. But not true in our Commanderies. Trinity Commandery will have their quarterly meeting on July 28th in Wilmington. Our Grand Commander will be making his official visitation with his Grand Staff that evening. Come and be with us for the evening.


   Springtime also means a new slate of Grand Officers have been installed and have started their visitation schedules. In March, Delaware installed their 10th Right Eminent Grand Commander, Robert V. McDowell III. We definitely practice Masonic Unity in Delaware as our Grand Commander is also the Active Member for Delaware of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of North America. We wish him well in his year as the head of this York Rite Body.


   Our Grand Chapter, installed a new Grand High Priest, Carl V. Dreisbach, Jr. who served this Grand Commandery last year as Grand Standard Bearer. Most Excellent Dreisbach also has a visitation this summer on June 26 at Daylight Chapter in Newport. Come out and have lunch with the Grand High Priest and his staff.


   In Grand Council, William J. Littel was installed as Most Illustrious Grand Master. Most Illustrious Littel has served this Grand Commandery as Grand Warder for many years as well as serving as chairman of the Holy Land Pilgrimage Committee. He has done an outstanding job in raising funds for this worthwhile cause and in selecting ministers to participate in the Pilgrimages. 


   Spring also marks the conclusion of another Knight Templar Eye Foundation campaign. Again Delaware was faithful in their support of this vital charity. Our eyes are so important and through the contributions of this foundation, we not only help pay for the research into various diseases and defects, but also help those who might not otherwise be able to pay for much needed eye surgery. Please continue your support in this cause as well.


   This time of year also marks the Grand Commandery Golf Tournament. Under the able leadership of Sir Knight John Dorsey, we will again have a benefit for our Holy Land Pilgrimage. It will be on Wednesday, June 21 at the Rock Manor Golf Course. Contact Sir Knight Dorsey at 302-475-5579 for more information. Come out and have fun and help a worthwhile cause.


   This spring also marks a new editor for the Knight Templar Magazine Delaware Supplement. Any stories that you think would be beneficial to our membership, should be forwarded to him for inclusion in future publications. Remember, this is all of ours.


   Also in Delaware this year, we have an excellent opportunity to meet many York Rite dignitaries from other states. Our very own Deputy Grand Commander, Sheldon L. Edwards, Sr. is also the Most Excellent Deputy General Grand High Priest for the Northeast Masonic Jurisdiction. In that office, he will be hosting the Northeast York Rite Conference at the Ramada Inn in New Castle. The Knight Templar Education Foundation will again contribute $7.50 towards the registration cost of those attending. The conference will be held on Saturday, September 9. On the Friday evening preceding the conference, a degree team from Connecticut will be exemplifying the Super Excellent Master’s Degree. This is an excellent opportunity for those who have not received this degree to do so. We hope you will be able to attend.


   Have a joyous remainder of Spring!