(British; Australian; etc.) League of Rights; Nexus; New Dawn
David Icke, New Age prophet
Searchlight: David Icke, Greens, esotericism, and the extreme Right
About Icke: propaganda and conspiracy
Icke's conspiracy theories
David Icke and antisemitism; links
Damian Thompson: David Icke, New Age, and Christian Rightism
Icke and ecofascism
Canada: Greens to Protest David Icke
Canadian Jewish News: New Age speaker set to talk in Toronto
Canadian Jewish News: Anti-racists vs. Icke at University of Toronto
South African Muslims against David Icke's anti-Islamism
Nexus magazine and the extreme Right
Pauline Hanson, extreme Right Australia, and New Age
League of Rights, anti-Semitism, and Major Douglas (Social Credit); German
E-mail: jwgroot@xs4all.nl or stelling@xs4all.nl
or hermantl@stad.dsl.nl