



Wayne Niles Saunders



   I do humbly accept this honorable position of serving you as Grand Commander of this Grand Commandery.  I thank you for your confidence and trust and I will do my utmost to represent this Grand commandery in a respectful manner.  I fully realize the heavy responsibility that goes with this position, but no leader can accomplish the tasks at hand without the full cooperation and support of every Sir Knight. I am going to continue the drive on increasing membership, it is vital to the future of Templary.


   There are many people I want to thank; first, My Lady Isabel for her love, understanding and support over these many years of  Masonic meetings.   We are blessed with 4 loving and supportive children, 5 grandchildren, and 3 good son-in-laws.    


   R.E.P.G.C. Frank Gossinger who appointed me to this Grand Line has been an inspiration to me in Templary.  I cherish the friendship of Frank and Cathy.


   R.E.P.G.C. Marshall Dunbar and Lady Betty have also been great friends.  We have traveled together for 24 years to Tri-Annuals and Conclaves throughout New England.


   E.S.K. Joseph Perno and Lady Clair who have always been there for me to assist in any way they could.


   M.W.Grand Master Leonard F. D’Amico, whom I’ve always admired and respected,  since our first meeting when he was Governor of Connecticut York Rite College #17, sometime in the mid 70’s.


   I thank my Installing Officers; P.G.C. Frank B. Gossinger, P.G.C. Charles B. Fowler Jr., and P.G.C. Marshall Dunbar.


   And I thank you all for your attendance.  I am looking forward to working with you all and having a great year. 




               Wayne Niles Saunders, R.E. Grand Commander




   “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” (John 14:27)  These words taken from our sacred text call us to a peaceful confidence.  Jesus spoke the words to his Disciples to comfort them as he prepared to leave, first through the Crucifixion, and then again by way of the Resurrection.  Yet this means that we do not have our Teacher with us. 


   How rich it would have been for us to have had the opportunity to sit at his feet on the slopes overlooking the Sea of Galilee as he taught us the Word of God.  This was not our privilege.  But we have a consolation!  If we proclaim the Resurrection, which we in Templary  most certainly do, then we know the promise of peace that comes to us through the Holy Comforter.  it is a peace not of this world, not dependent on the vicissitude of our earthly life.  It is an eternal peace brought by the message of Resurrection. Hallelujah!


               May the Lord’s peace be with you, my brethren.   


                           Ray Cooley, Grand Prelate




Many Sir Knights joined together on May 24th for our Annual Ascension Day Service  in Torrington  and dinner and fellowship afterwards.   



Elected Officers

Wayne N. Saunders         Right Eminent Grand Commander

Vincent A. Cowie            Deputy Grand Commander

Arthur M. Pugh                           Grand Generalissimo

Edwin F. Dingus                          Grand Captain General

William F. Lott                Grand Senior Warden

Edward R. Ham                          Grand Junior Warden

Thurman P. Sharples       Grand Treasurer

Richard V. Travis            Grand Recorder


Constitutional Officers appointed to serve for the Templar Year 2000 ONLY

Rev. Ray N. Cooley         Grand Prelate

William L. Miller             Grand Standard Bearer

Ernest J. Smith                            Grand Sword Bearer

Wesley H. Alexander      Grand Warder

Michael P. Hutter            Grand Sentinel


Administrative Officers appointed to serve for the Templar Year 2000 ONLY

Edward Nordstrom                     Grand Organist

Leonard H. Bucher        Grand Inspector

Gary Littlefield                            Grand Historian

Robert D. Sherrick          Editor, K.T. Supplement

William F. Lott                            Associate Grand Treasurer

Robert A. Colbourn                    Associate Grand Recorder


Living Past Grand Commanders

Arthur J. McKinney                    James A. Grace            George T. Antous

Leonard F. D'Amico                   Harold 1. Fransen         Gail N. Smith

Marshall N. Dunbar                    Frank B. Gossinger       Robert A. Colbourn

Rodney I. Gray               Edmund Rowe  Richard V. Travis

Albert H. Getchell                       Charles B. Fowler, Jr.              

William N. Forrest                      Frank W. McNally




A message from your Membership Committee “If I don’t do it; who is going to do it?”

   Every Christian Mason should be a Knights Templar




At their June conclave St. John’s Commandery will have a special program presented by the Manchester Police Department Citizen Academy.  Ladies are invited.  There will be a pot luck dinner at 6:30.  Contact George Maharin  if you want further information.  It should be an interesting evening.


   What's happening at your Commandery in June??


Washington Commandery #1       1st Tuesday     Stated Conclave Business Meeting 

                                                    3rd Tuesday    Stated Conclave  Business Meeting  


 New Haven Commandery #2     1st Friday        Stated Conclave Business Meeting

                                                    3rd  Friday      Stated Conclave Business Meeting


Stamford Clinton Commandery #3   3rd Thursday  Stated Conclave  Business Meeting


Hamilton Commandery #5        3rd Thursday    Stated Conclave  Awards night/dinner


Palestine Commandery #6           4th Thursday   Stated Conclave   Business Meeting


Cyrene Commandery #8 2nd Tuesday    Stated Conclave  Business Meeting

                                                              Annual Strawberry Festival


St. Elmo Commandery #9         3rd Tuesday    Stated Conclave  Business Meeting


Crusader Commandery #10        2nd Friday       Stated Conclave  Business Meeting


St. Johns Commandery #11        3rd Monday    Stated Conclave  Special Program


Support your own Commandery and visit another Commandery this month!!




The drill team seems to be enjoying themselves as well as working hard!!


Want to be a part of it?  Contact  S.K. Arthur Pugh at 203-238-0846.




Fly your American Flag every day during good weather. Set an example for your neighbors!!


Coming Events


June  3    Grand Chapter and Grand Council 

June 9     Council of Deliberation AASR

June  10  Grand Master’s Day in Wallingford

June 17   Masonic Veterans Association

June 24   York Rite College #17

Aug 11-16          Tri-Annual Conclave in Nashville

Sept 9     Northeast Conference

April 7, 2001      Annual Conclave of Connecticut


Contributions to this months edition were received from George Maharin, Art Pugh, and Bob Colbourn. 

 Thank you Sir Knights. 


We welcome information and pictures which may be of interest to the Sir Knights of Connecticut.  Information about a Commandery event must be sent to the Editor at least sixty days before the event is scheduled. Send to Bob Sherrick, 5 Lawrence Avenue, Milford Ct. 06460, or you can send E-Mail to RDSHERRICK@JUNO.COM