The Craft, a history of English Freemasonry
John Hamill
Written for both Masonic and
non-Masonic readers, The Craft traces the development of English
Freemasonry from its obscure origins to the present day.
With clarity and authority John Hamill describes the various theories
for the origins of Freemasonry, the development of the Grand Lodge
system, the spread of Freemasonry abroad, the degrees and Orders
additional to the Craft, and the development of Masonic charity.
For anyone with an interest in - or who is merely curious about -
Freemasonry, The Craft provides straightforward, factual information
about a subject that all too often has been prone to
John Hamill was born in Wallsend-on-Tyne in 1947 and now lives in
After reading History and Fine Art at Oxford Polytechnic and
postgraduate Library Studies at Newcastle Polytechnic he joined the
staff of the Grand Lodge Library and Museum in 1971, being appointed
its Librarian and Curator in 1983.
An internationally acknowledged authority on English Freemasonry, he
was Master of the renowned Quatuor Coronati Lodge (of Research) No.
2076 during its centenary year and has edited a reprint of Henry
Sadler's Masonic Facts and Fictions (Aquarian Press,