News Release
The Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc.
"Helping Others to See"
October 1, 1999

garnes.jpg (11386 bytes)    The 32nd Annual Voluntary Campaign begins December 1, 1999 and continues through April 30, 2000. In recognition of outstanding Templar service, this campaign is dedicated to Sir Knight Willard Meredith Avery, Most Eminent Past Grand Master and Past President of the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. Sir Knight Avery has been a staunch supporter of the Foundation for many years and has served above and beyond the call of duty.

Sir Knight James Morris Ward, M.E. Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of American and President of the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. has appointed Sir Knight Charles A. Garnes, H.P.D.C., P.G.C. (PA) and Trustee of the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. as Chairman of the 32nd Annual Voluntary Campaign.

What is the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc.?

The Knights Templar Eye Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees comprised of six elected officers, all Past Grand Masters of the Grand Encampment, and six Trustees-At-Large elected by the membership for a term of nine years. Medical and technical advice for the Foundation is provided by a selected group of Doctors of Ophthalmology whose assistance is freely given without compensation.

Objectives of the Foundation:

The objectives of the Foundation are to provide Research, Surgical Treatment and Hospitalization for those who suffer from diseases or injuries to the eye, which if untreated might result in blindness. This includes the correction of strabismus (cross-eyes) in children up to the age of 16 years. Such persons are provided with the cost of treatment, surgery, and hospitalization in a place of their own choosing and by physicians of their own choice, without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex or national origin if they are unable to pay and cannot receive adequate assistance from Medicare, Social Services, State Aid or similar sources. However, they must be residents of the USA for a period of not less than one year.

Source of Funds:

Funds for the operation of the Foundation are obtained in part from an annual assessment of each Knight Templar, contributions from Masonic Organizations, fund raising activities, memorials, wills and bequests, donations, and from endowment funds or similar sources.

Permanent Donor Fund (a new recognition or giving)

The Permanent Donor Fund was implemented on March 1, 1999 to give perpetual recognition to individuals, corporations or foundations that make an initial donation of $10,000. Additional amounts of $1,000.00 or more may be added to the Fund. Each year the Permanent Donor Funds will be listed in the Annual Report so that the donor who establishes the fund will be recognized as a Philanthropist. Permanent Donor Fund forms are available from the KTEF Office or e-mail

In the first 2 months of the Permanent Donor Fund. The Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. received $50,000.00 for the Permanent Donor Fund and two additional funds or $10,000 each making a total of $70,000.00.

New Enhancements to help the Foundation grow and prosper in the New Millennium:

For the first time in the history of The Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. we will initiate a DIRECT MAIL PROGRAM to assist the Commanderies in their fund raising efforts. Through this program we will able to make direct communication with our membership in addition to the Knights Templar Magazine

To make giving to The Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. more convenient we will make it possible for members to contribute on their Credit Card and you can choose VISA or MasterCard. No need to write a check, your donation will be added into your monthly bill. However, if you wish you can still use the check method.

Our Record as of this date:

Since 1956 over $67 million has been spent on approved cases. Applications received from over 63,000 people and Research Grants total over $5 million.

How to apply for help:

Application for assistance from the Foundation can be made through any Knight Templar who is a member of over 1200 Constituent Commanderies in the Grand Encampment. Information is also available from The Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc., 5097 North Elston Avenue, Suite 100, Chicago IL, Phone (773) 205-3838, Fax (773) 205-1689 or e-mail

Other Help is Available:

The Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. is a co-sponsor of the National Eye Care Project, which helps those persons 65 years of age or over who do not have an Ophthalmologist. Anyone wishing to contact N.E.C.P. may do so by calling 1-800-222-EYES and tell them your were referred by a Knight Templar.

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