Bill Clutter, PGC - Indiana
"Let’s Just Do It!"
Click here to view a York Rite Overview Program. This is a PowerPoint template that can be used as a template for any local York Rite. It can be modified to meet the needs of your membership development program (change name, membership records, activities, etc.). In particular, it allows you to personalize your local "good works" to potential members. It also will provide good "public relations" and "York Rite awareness" to non-York Rite Masons.
NOTE: If your browser does not support viewing a PowerPoint presentation, right-click on the link and choose "Save Target As..." to save it to your computer.
How Can I Get More Information?
Recipe For A Successful Festival
There was a suggestion by many of these leaders that perhaps an outline of "How to Organize a York Rite Festival" be published in this magazine to assist local Constituent Commandery Officers in planning festivals with other York Rite Leaders. One Sir Knight likened it to a "good 'ole' recipe" for a York Rite Festival. Shortly, thereafter, I received similar requests from leaders in other jurisdictions to provide a festival "plan outline". The thought is that some Commanderies may not have organized such an activity in recent years, or they have new leadership that has not organized a York Rite Festival. Perhaps an outline would assist in improving the effectiveness of their "Templary 2000 Crusade" planning effort.
Remember that any good recipe can be modified to the user's taste, with a little more of this ingredient and a little less of another. I consulted with several Past Commanders in Indiana (Andy Jackson, Phil Herthel, and Dale Adams) who have organized successful York Rite Festivals honoring Indiana Grand Masters. I also received valuable input from Department Commanders Bill Koon, Doug Johnson, Earl Barlow, and Lloyd Hebert. As a result, the following "Festival Recipe" is submitted for your use in planning for your "Templary 2000 Crusade":
"The Recipe"
1. Establish an "Organizing Team" and assign the following areas of responsibility:
* General Chairman
* Secretary/Recorder Site Chairman
* Director of Work
* Publicity Chairman
* Membership Chairman
2. Determine Asylum or Site for the event:
* What is the occupancy of the site for both work and dining?
* Does adequate parking exist?
3. Confirm Date and Time for the event:
* Establish a date that minimizes conflicts with other Masonic events.
* Confirm Asylum availability, and date with other York Rite leaders.
* What Date will prerequisite Degrees/Orders will be portrayed?
* What time will each begin and conclude?
* What time will lunch and/or dinner be served during the schedule?
* Make an event schedule, and plan to "stay on time".
4. Cost estimation:
* Traditional or customary Monitors, jewels, certificates, etc.
* Determine meal menu costs. Offer an upscale menu.
* Estimate printing costs for programs, letters, flyers, etc.
* Estimate postage costs for mailing invitations, announcements, etc.
* Cost of any complimentary meals planned.
* Add up meal cost estimates, subtract complimentary meals, and divide by estimated paying attendees.
This is your meal unit cost target if you plan to charge.
5. Establish a unit price for the event.
* Candidate Price (Meals, York Rite Per Capita, etc.)
* Member Price (Generally meals only)
* Add small amount for unforeseen expenses or "coverage".
6. Secretary/Recorder Duties:
* Mails announcements to all nearby York Rite Bodies/Blue Lodges.
* Sends invitations to Officers of the Grand Commandery, Chapter, and Council
* Prepares forms for registration of both Candidates and Members.
* Prepares Programs for the event.
* Orders Candidate Certificates, Pins, Jewels, etc.
* Prepares/Mails Meal reservation forms for Candidates and members.
7. Site Chairman Duties:
* Establishes Registration Desks for the event.
* Organizes Paraphernalia for all Degrees/Orders.
* Verifies Asylum is cleaned and prepared.
* Coordinates people responsible for meals.
* Assigns people for "last minute" errands.
* Provides optional organist for background music.
8. Director of Work Duties:
* Assigns one Chairperson responsible for each Degree and Order who:
* Selects experienced Casts from various York Rite Groups.
* Encourages each cast member to bring one candidate.
* Identifies various cast back-ups, as they will be needed.
* Inspects and inventories of paraphernalia required.
* Schedules rehearsals with Degree/Order Chairmen.
* Identifies "stage crews" for Degree/Order set-ups.
* Schedules prerequisite Chapter and Council Degrees for completion on or before February 5, 2000.
9. Publicity Chairman Duties:
* Prepares Invitation/Mailing Lists for Secretary.
* Prepares monthly Knight Templar magazine Supplement Articles.
* Completes new Candidate packages for members to use in recruiting.
* Prepares event posters/flyers for mailings to all nearby Blue Lodges.
* Creates a "Templary 2000 Crusade" Speakers Bureau for promotion.
* Selects and invites "After-Dinner" Speaker(s).
* Promotes family attendance at the dinner.
10. Membership Chairman Duties:
* Utilizes existing local Commanderies Membership Committees.
* Organizes and develops specific area Blue Lodges to be contacted.
* Seeks approval as a program speaker at all Lodge Stated Meetings.
* Prepares and presents a "York Rite Story" including Philanthropies.
* Distributes new Candidate Packages and asks for signed petition.
* Acquires lists of non-death suspensions from Secretaries/Recorders.
* Assigns restoration target lists for calling/contact by members.
* Establishes reporting procedure for new petitions/restorations.
11. General Chairman Duties:
* Assures all local Commanderies participate.
* Provides overall supervision of the event.
* Provides updates to the Grand Commander and keeps him informed.
* Keeps Templary 2000 Crusade "Key Man" updated on the event.
* Orders Candidate and "Top-Line Signer" Pins and Certificates through Key Man.
* Is final decision-maker on event details.
As you know, the primary ingredient in the "recipe" for a successful membership development program, like a "York Rite Festival", is to establish an organizational structure with clearly defined areas of responsibility to ensure program success. This can be an exciting project for both Commandery Officers and members. The "Templary 2000 Crusade" is beginning to inspire all Officers and members to unite in a common goal with "uncommon" results anticipated. But, modify the recipe to your own Commandery's taste by using what has worked well for you in the past. Use your best judgement.
You have done it before, but perhaps on a smaller scale. Plan for a premier event! Now let's get to work, and show everyone that we are as good as we say we are!
Bill Clutter, KCT, PGC (IN) Chairman Templary 2000 Crusade 7/7/99
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