An open letter about Civic Shriners


 Fred K. Bauer

 Grand Master

 Subject: Imperial Shrine changes position


 Dear Brethren:

 It saddens and disappoints me to write and advise:

 1) The Board of Governors of Shrine of North America has declined to join the Masonic Alliance of North America (new name)

 2) The Imperial Potentate, further advised:  a) the Civic Membership proposal as originally announced will be on the "call item" at the Imperial session in Boston.

 b) further, the Imperial Council will support and recommend adoption of this new class of membership


Yesterday, I attended what was thought to be the formation of a national Masonic Alliance (as approved by our GL board of Directors for Massachusetts Masons to become an active part and a member of ) in St. Louis, Missouri. Unfortunately, I could not fly there until Tuesday  morning so I arrived late at the Marriott Hotel in St. Louis. The  meeting started about  8:30 AM. As it was beginning, Ralph Semb asked if  he could

address the group. Since I wasn't present, I can not tell you what or how he said the above, or what the rationale (if any) was behind the above statements. The fact is however, he and the Imperial Shrine officers are now prepared to change the membership requirements to become a shriner. With that, he said he had to leave and go (somewhere, I think he may have gone to Washington DC).  The large gathering of national and state Masonic leaders were quite  upset with this change of position.

 However, after much "heated discussion" I'm told, they decided to go forward with the steps to organize a Masonic Alliance of North America (with or without the shrine). I will discuss these positive steps at a later time.


Those attending yesterday were:Grand Master's from: Illinois, Florida, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Colorado, California, several Deputy Grand Master's, Senior or Junior Grand Wardens, a representative from Maryland, GM Knights Templar, Northern & Southern Sovereign Grand Commanders, and Ron Seale & Bill Sizemore (Southern Jurisdiction), Ralph W. Semb. Imp. Potentate, Ken Smith, Imp. Chief Rabban, Gary Dunswoody, 1st Ceremonial Master & Bernard Lemieux Imp Marshal, and Bob Clarke who was the facilitator.


 If the civic membership is proposed: it will now be up to the voting delegates of Shrine to send a message to their leadership:




 Fred K. Bauer

 Grand Master