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Fellowship 2000 F FABIAN, Professor Andrew Christopher.[1996] Royal Society Research Professor at the Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge. Institute of Astronomy, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HA. (Tel: (01223) 337509; email: acf@ast.cam.ac.uk; Fax: (01223) 337523) FALCONER, Professor Douglas Scott.[1973] FARLEY, Professor Francis James Macdonald.[1972] Emeritus Professor and formerly Dean of the Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham. Medal: Hughes (1980). FARMER, Mr Frank Reginald OBE. [1981] FARQUHAR, Professor Graham Douglas.[1995] Professor and Group Leader, Environmental Biology Group at the Research School of Biological Sciences, Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. RSBS, G.P.O. Box 475, Canberra , ACT 2601, Australia. (Tel: +61(0) (2) 6249-5052; email: Farquhar@rsbs.anu.edu.au; Fax: +61(0) (2) 6249-4919); FATT, Professor Paul. [1969] Emeritus Professor of Biophysics in the University of London. 25 Tanza Road, London, NW3 2UA. (Tel: (0171) 435-9802) FEARON, Professor Douglas Thomas. [1999] Wellcome Trust Professor of Medicine at the University of Cambridge. Wellcome Trust Immunology Unit, MRC Centre, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2SP (Tel: (01223) 330528; Email: dtf1000@cus.cam.ac.uk; Fax: (01223) 336815) and Salix, Conduit Head Road, Cambridge, CB3 0EY (Tel: ( 01223) 570067) FEAST, Professor (William) James.[1996]] Director of IRC, Durham, and Courtaulds Professor of Polymer Chemistry in the University of Durham. IRC in Polymer Science and Technology, University of Durham, Durham, DH1 3LE. (Tel: (0191) 374-3105; email: w.j.feast@durham.ac.uk; Fax: (0191) 374-4651 FEILDEN, Dr Geoffrey Bertram RobertCBE. [1959] Senior Partner, Feilden Associates. 1 Hambutts Mead, Painswick, Gloucestershire, GL6 6RP. (Tel: (01452) 812112; Fax: (01452) 812912). Council Service: 1962-63, 1966-69; V.P. 1967-69. FELLGETT, Professor Peter Berners.[1986] ] Emeritus Professor of Cybernetics in the University of Reading. Little Brighter, St Kew Highway, Bodmin, Cornwall, PL30 3DU. (Tel: (01208) 850337; Fax: (01208- 850416) FENNER, Professor Frank JohnAC CMG MBE. [1958] Emeritus Professor and Visiting Fellow in the Australian National University. John Curtin School of Medical Research, G.P.O. Box 334, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia. (Tel: +61(0) (2) 6249-2526; email: fenner@jcsmr.anu.edu.au; Fax: +61(0) (2) 6247-4823). Medal: Copley (1995). Lectures: Leeuwenhoek (1961), Florey (1983). FERGUSON-SMITH, Professor Malcolm Andrew.[1983] Emeritus Professor of Pathology in the University of Cambridge. Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ES. (Tel: (01223) 766496; Fax: (01223) 766496); and 16 Rustat Road, Cambridge, CB1 3QT. (Tel/fax: (01223) 246277) FERSHT, Professor Alan Roy.[1983] Herchel Smith Professor in the University of Cambridge. Director, MRC Unit for Protein Function and Design. Cambridge Centre for Protein Engineering, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EW. (Tel: (01223) 336341; email: arf10@cam.ac.uk; Fax: (01223) 336445); and 2 Barrow Close, Cambridge, CB2 2AT. (Tel: (01223) 352963). Medals: Gabor (1991), Davy (1998). FETTIPLACE, Professor Robert.[1990] Steenbock Professor of Neural and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Wisconsin, USA. Department of Physiology, University of Wisconsin, 185 Medical Sciences Building, 1300 University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA. (Tel: +1 (608) 262-9320; email: fettiplace@physiology.wisc.edu; Fax: +1 (608) 265-5512) FIELD, Professor John EdwinOBE. [1994] University Professor of Applied Physics and Head of PCS Section of Cavendish Laboratory in the University of Cambridge, and Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge. Cavendish Laboratory, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HE. (Tel: (01223) 337318; Fax: (01223) 350266). FINCH, Dr John Thomas.[1982] Formerly Member of the Scientific Staff of the Medical Research Council. C/o MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QH. FINCHAM, Professor John Robert Stanley.[1969] FINNEY, Professor David JohnCBE. [1955] Emeritus Professor of Statistics in the University of Edinburgh. University of Edinburgh, James Clerk Maxwell Building, The King's Buildings, Mayfield Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ. FISHER, Professor Michael Ellis.[1971] Distinguished University Professor and Regents Professor in the University of Maryland, USA. Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA. (Tel: +1 (301) 405-4820 (office). Lecture: Bakerian (1979). Council Service: 1993-95; V.P. 1993-95. FITZSIMONS, Professor James Thomas.[1988] Emeritus Professor of Medical Physiology in the University of Cambridge, and Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. Physiological Laboratory, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EG. (Tel: (01223) 333836; email: jtf10@cus.cam.ac.uk; Fax: (01223) 333840); and 91 Thornton Road, Girton, Cambridge, CB3 0NR. (Tel: (01223) 276874). FLAVELL, Professor Richard Anthony.[1984] Chairman and Professor of the Section of Immunobiology in Yale University, and Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Section of Immunobiology, Yale University School of Medicine, FMB412, 310 Cedar Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06520, USA. (Tel: +1 (203) 737-2216; email: richard.flavell@.yale.edu; Fax: +1 (203) 785-7561). FLAVELL, Professor Richard Bailey. CBE. [1998]Chief Scientific Officer, Ceres, Inc. 3007 Malibu Canyon Road, Malibu, California, 90265, USA (Tel: (310) 317-8930; email: rflavell@ceres-inc.com; Fax: (310) 317-8998) FLEISCHMANN, Professor Martin.[1986] FLEMING, Professor Graham Richard. [1994] Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, and Director of Physical Biosciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA. Department of Chemistry, University of California,Berkeley CA 94720-1460, USA. (Tel: +1 (510) 643-2735; email: GRFleming@lbl.gov; Fax: +1 (510) 642-6340); and 1411 Atwell Road, El Cerrito, CA 94530, USA. (Tel: +1 (510) 232-8271) FLEMING, Dr Ian.[1993] Professor of Organic Chemistry in the University of Cambridge. Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EW. (Tel: (01223) 336372; email: if10000@cam.ac.uk; Fax: (01223) 336362); and 3 Willow Walk, Cambridge, CB1 1LA. (Tel: (01223) 362862) FLOWERS, of Queen's Gate in the City of Westminster, Brian Hilton, Baron,Kt. [1961] Chancellor of the University of Manchester. Formerly Vice-Chancellor of the University of London. 53 Athenaeum Road, London, N20 9AL. (Tel/fax: (0181) 446-5993; email: fofqg@clumsies.demon.co.uk) FOGG, Professor Gordon ElliottCBE. [1965] FOLLETT, Sir Brian (Keith). [1984] Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick. University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL. (Tel: (024) 76523630 (work) and 76692078 (home); email: b.k.follett@warwick.ac.uk; Fax: (024) 76524578 (work) and 76690293 (home)). Council Service: Aug 1987-July 1993; Sec Aug 1987-July 1993; VP Aug 1987-July 1993. FORD, Sir Hugh.[1967] FORTEY, Dr Richard Alan. [1997] Head of Fossil Arthropods and Merit Researcher at the Natural History Museum, London. The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD. (Tel: (0207) 942 5493; email: raf@nhm.ac.uk; Fax: (0207) 942 5546); and 16 Cromwell Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon, RG9 1JH. (Tel: (01491) 571753) FOWDEN, Sir Leslie.[1964] FRAENKEL, Professor Ludwig Edward.[1993] Professor of Mathematics in the University of Bath. School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY FREEMAN, Professor Kenneth Charles.[1998] Professor, Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories, Australian National University. Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories, Private Bag, Weston Creek PO, ACT 2611, Australia. (Tel: +61 (26) 249-0264; email: kcf@mso.anu.edu.au; Fax: +61 (26) 249-0260) and 44 Tullaroop Street, Duffy, ACT 2611, Australia. (Tel:+61 (26) 288-3720). FREEMAN, Professor Raymond.[1979] Emeritus Professor of Magnetic Resonance in the University of Cambridge. Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EW. Jesus College, Cambridge, CB5 8BL; and 29 Bentley Road, Cambridge, CB2 2AW (Tel: (01223) 323958) Medal: Leverhulme (1990). FRIEDLANDER, Dr (Frederick) Gerard.[1980] Formerly Reader in Partial Differential Equations in the University of Cambridge. Honorary Research Fellow at University College London. Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, 16 Mill Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1SB. (Tel: (01223) 337999; email: fgf20@cus.cam.ac.uk) FRIEND, Professor Richard Henry.[1993] Cavendish Professor of Physics in the University of Cambridge. Cavendish Laboratory, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HE. (Tel: (01223) 337218; email: rhf10@cam.ac.uk; Fax: (01223) 353397). Medal: Rumford (1998). FRÖHLICH, Professor Albrecht.[1976]Emeritus Professor of Pure Mathematics in the University of London and Emeritus Fellow of Robinson College, Cambridge. 69 Barton Road, Cambridge, CB3 9LG. (Tel: (01223) 350207) FRYER, Professor Geoffrey.[1972] FYFE,
Professor William SeftonCC. [1969]
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