International Council for Science (ICSU)

The International Council for Science (ICSU) was created in 1931 to promote international scientific activity in the different branches of science and their applications for the benefit of humanity. ICSU is a non-governmental organisation. There are two categories of membership: national, multidisciplinary bodies (either scientific academies, such as the Royal Society, or research councils) and Scientific Unions, which are international, disciplinary organisations. The complement of these two groups provides a wide spectrum of scientific expertise enabling members to address international, interdisciplinary issues which none of them could handle alone.

The Royal Society, as the UK Academy of Science, is the national member of ICSU and a number of the discipline-based Unions and scientific committees. Through its Scientific Unions Committee, two interdisciplinary science committees and three panels, the Society co-ordinates UK participation in conferences, research programmes and collaborative projects and takes an active role in supporting the freedom of collaboration and movement of scientists. The Society also provides support for UK scientists to attend ICSU family business meetings.

Committee papers
Committees, panels and working groups
         Global Environmental Research Committee (GERC)
         International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP)
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