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Statutes of the |
The manifoldness of religeous beliefs, political parties and trade associations in Europe corresponds to its historical pluralism in masonic movements. Being traditionally tied to the concept of humanity and enlightenment the various associations of freemasons prove themselves to be institutions of which the individual may expect individual orientation in times of global changes and redefinition of cultural values. To develop these multiple concepts in a fruitful competition and promote them in brotherly harmony requires the willingness to reform. Such preparation is the moral duty of each freemason at the beginning of the third millennium.
1. The association is called :
Ring Europäischer Freimaurer - Organisation für die Reform des Maurertums
Ring of European Freemasons - Organisation for the Reform of Masonry
Réformateurs de l’ Europe Franc-Maçonnique - Organisation Réformatrice Maçonnique
2. This society is an autonomous association of natural persons having its seat in Dortmund (FRG). It is to be registered.
1. The association explores the historical dependancy of masonic customs and habits and the future requirements thereof.
2. The association develops concepts for a further development of European freemasonry.
3. The association strives at an adaptation of masonic statutes and actively supports a stronger integration of these into the European legal culture.
4. It serves the international rapprochement between different masonic systems.
5. The association actively supports masonic organisations and their representatives.
6. It cultivates the cooperation with international institutions and masonic research foundations.
7. The association promotes the cooperation with governmental and non-governmental public institutions.
8. It promotes the creation of an international masonic representation being given the status of an observer at the UNO.
To achieve its objectives the association disposes of journalistic media such as yearbooks, declarations, memoirs, open letters, and expertises etc. and organises seminares, colloquiums and international meetings.
1. Each mason can apply for membership regardless to which lodge or obedience he belongs.
2. The admission has to be applied for in writing.
3. The application is finally decided on by the managing committee.
4. The rejection of an application by the managing committee is indisputable.
5. An entitlement to admission does not exist.
6. The membership ends by resignation, deletion of the member by the managing committee or - in case of an objection by the member - by resolution of the members’ meeting or by death.
7. The resignation has to be declared to the managing committee in writing respecting a period of notice of three months to the end of the calender year.
8. The managing committee or the members’ meeting respectively may decide to delete a member from the roll because of negligence of that member in his duties or behaviour which hurts the society.
1. The member’s right of participation is restricted to his participation in the annual meetings and all other events organised by the association. The exercise of his right to participate presupposes the due payment of his annual membership fee.
2. At the members’ meeting, the member exercises its right to participate by his participation in elections and resolutions. This right is not transferrable.
3. In administrative respects the member exercises his right to participate by being eligible for the statuatory offices or other delegated duties.
4. In case of his deletion from the association’s register being initiated by the managing committee the respective member has the timely limited right to appeal to the following members’ meeting.
5. Each regular member of a freemason’s lodge may be admitted as visitor to the association’s meetings serving the preservation of masonic customs and habits. The decision on his admittance lies with the association’s president or its authorized representative who has to ensure that the visitor is of the required masonic degree.
1. Each member has the moral obligation to promote the association’s objectives.
2. The member has the substantial duty to duly pay his annual membership fee as it is fixed by the members’ meeting. The annual membership fee is payable in advance or quarterly at the most. In case of foreseeable temporary financial difficulties the member is obliged to trustingly turn to the president asking for prolongation, reduction or waiver of the outstanding amount.
1. The association’s formal decisions (such as requests, resolutions, elections, delegated duties, modifications of the association’s statutes) are exclusively taken by the members’ meeting.
2. The association’s regular members’ meetings are convoked upon the decision of the managing committee once per annum - if possible within the 1st quarter of the year - by informing each member at least four weeks in advance on the location, date and agenda of this members’ meeting. All requests have to be presented to the managing committee at least to weeks in advance of the members’ meeting. Requests not having been received in due time may only be dealt with upon the unanimous vote of the members’ meeting.
3. Extraordinary members’ meetings have to be convoked within three weeks upon the receipt of a corresponding written demand signed by at least two members of managing committee or one third of the members and stating the purpose of and reasons for the convocation of an extroardinary members’ meeting.
4. Each regularly convoked members’ meeting constitutes a quorum. Resolutions are taken with the majority of valid votes, i.e. for elections and resolutions an unanimous majority, for deletions an absolute majority and for amendments to the statutes the majority of two thirds of the members is required.
5. The members’ meeting is chaired by the president or in case of his absence by the vice- president or another member of managing committee. The secretary keeps a record of all requests, election results and resolutions which has to be signed by the president or the chairman respectively upon its completion.
1. The authorized managing committee is formed by the association’s president, the vice- president, the secretary and the treasurer.
2. Two further, non-authorized associates are members of the managing committee.
3. The association is legally and publically represented by at least two members of the managing committee one of whom is either the president or the vice-president.
4. The meetings of the managing committees are convoked and chaired by the president. The managing committee constitutes a quorum if at least three members are present. In case of a parity of votes the president’s or the chairman’s vote respectively prevails.
5. The association is represented by its president who is also its speaker. The secretary is in charge of the association’s affairs and correspondence. The treasurer keeps the association’s accounts. At the members’ meetings, he presents his account. The two associates assist the managing committee. The managing committee is entitled to establish rules of procedure.
1. The managing committee is elected annually. A reelection is possible.
2. In case of any vacancies due to retirement or loss of membership by-elections for the remaining tenure become necessary if the period until the following regular elections will exceed three months.
1. The association’s assets as for any cash assets, deposits and bonds are kept by the treasurer who keeps a running account thereof. Any dispositions thereof which are not related to the regular running administrative costs have to be approved by counter-signature of the president.
2. The fiscal year lasts from January 1st to December 31st. If possible, the treasurer presents his account at the members’ meeting to be held within the first quarter of each year. The treasurer’s account has to include a detailed breakdown of all revenues and expenses incurred within the previous year as well as a forecast for the coming year being made up in cooperation with the president.
1. The association may be dissolved upon an corresponding resolution taken by the members’ meeting.
2. In case of a voluntary dissolution the association’s assets falls to the charitable organisation
to be named in this resolution.