A true and perfect inventary of ... Sir Isaac Newton

See also the notes about this transcription and newton.org.uk's page about 35 St. Martin's Street. Villamil described how he discovered the inventory in Newton: the Man.



A true and perfect inventary of all and singular the Goods, Chattels and Credits of Sir Isaac Newton late of the parish of Saint Martin in the fields, in the county of Middlesex Knight deceased, taken and appraised on the 21st, 22nd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, days of April in the year of our Lord 1727 by Virtue of Commission of Appraisement issued under seal of the prerogative Court of Canterbury bearing date eighteenth day of April 1727 by Valens Comyn, Thomas Ward, Thomas Money, William Carr, and Fletcher Gyles, commissioners named in this said Commission.

In the fore Garret.

Imprimis, a parcel of Mathematical instruments and a parcel of Chymical glasses, some oak a chest of Drawers two writing desks some old iron and lumber ... £5.0.0

In the back Garret.

Item two old bedsteads and curtains two feather beds and bolsters three old blankets two Ruggs two tables six old chairs an old stove and lumber one picture and six prints ... £3.0.0

Two pairs stairs backwards and closet.

Item a bedstead and cambric furniture lined with silk compleat a feather bed bolster and two pillows a mattress and quilt and four blankets three wainscott tables six matted chairs four stools with lace bottoms a stove grate compleat a glass in a black frame and two stands three pieces of tapestry hangings an old sattee two cushions a small skreen a feather bed bolster and two down pillows two holland quilts a callico quilt and eight blankets three pairs of window curtains vallance and rods five pair of crimson mohair window vallance cornishes and rods and one large Do. three pair of china window curtains two pair of old druggit window curtains and Vallance two pair of spriggit muslin window curtains and Vallance a clock in a black case two square glasses in black frames two chests and one chest of drawers one flap table a close stool two old maps and some old china hangings ... £38.18.6

In the fore room two pairs of stairs.

Item a walnut tree cabinet and writing desk with drawers two hundred and ten prints forty articles in Dutch in nineteen sheets a book of maps and six others three old weather glasses a large table with drawers six cases of shelves a pair of steps a small piece of tapestry and some Irish stich hangings three globes a copper plate a silver watch a Bath mettle case of instruments a shagreen case Do. a small penknife an embroidered purse two plaistered heads and two small pictures ... £22.4.0

In the Bed Chamber one pair of stairs.

Item a crimson mohair bed compleat with case curtains of crimson Harrateen and case Rod a feather bed bolster one down pillow a holland quilt three blankets a callico quilt one pair of window curtains Vallance and Rod the crimson mohair hangings of the room lined with canvass six walnut tree chairs Do. with cases a large glass in glass and gold frame over the chimney a sconce in a gilt frame an iron hearth compleat a round close stool earthern pan three pictures and one other ... £81.2.6

In the Closet.

Item a silk sattee two cushions six matted stools six silk cushions a Japan table and leather cover a card table two chairs three pair of window curtains Vallance Rods the hangings of the room a peer-glass a small sconce a small stove a cell and two stands ... £7.5.0

In the Dining Room.

Item a crimson sattee cushion and case eight India back chairs with seats and cases an easy chair cushion and case two peer Glasses in glass frames four sconces two walnut tree card tables one oval table two old tea tables one iron stove compleat a gilt leather skreen eleven pictures a figure cutt in ivory of Sir Isaac in a glass frame a brass dial a quilted fire skreen three coath glasses one print and one figure ... £75.5.6

In the fore Parlour.

Item an oval table a square glass a table two sconces nine black leather chairs an easy Do. and cushion two pair Do. window curtain Valance and Rods Seven maps three prints a stove compleat a floor cloth ... £5.15.0

On the stair case and passage.

Item a month clock a glass sconce a settle Bedstead a small feather bed and bolster two old rugs two blankets an inclosed seat with lock and key ... £5.15.0

In the Back Parlour and Closet.

Item eight old velvet chairs a crimson easy chair and case six crimson cushions filled with down one pair of curtains Vallance cornish and Rod six old chairs a close stool earthen pan and a basket lined with tin a stove compleat three tables a small India skreen thirteen India prints one map with a glass an old tea settle a press a corner cupboard a couch squab six chairs a stool two pair window curtains Vallance and Rods sixteen prints one picture a handboard gilt leather hangings ... £8.13.0


Item 40 plates, 9 Dishes 6 chocolate cups one brown teapot 9 glass salvers about 10 Dozen of Glasses of divers sorts of Decanter six Water bottles three mugs two crewetts ... £5.12.0


Item 24 ells of new Holland 11 pair of old sheets 3 pillowbers six dozen and an half of napkins 15 old Do. nine table cloths and two side board cloths ... £11.16.6


Item 3 silver dishes 3 salvers 4 salts 2 soop spoons 3 castors one coffee pot one pair candlesticks snuffers and pan seven spoons seven forks two silver urinals a shagreen case with 12 knives 12 Forks and 12 spoons 12 Ivory handle knives - weighing three hundred seventy ounce eight penny weight at 5 and 6d. per oz. ... £101.19.0

In the Kitchen.

Item a fire stove tongs poker three spits a pair of large spit racks a plate warmer three trevits two gridirons a chopping knife a cheese toaster a frying pan a tin dripping pan and frame a flesh fork a pair of bellows three boiling pots and covers two fish kettles one plate two covers 4 stew pans 2 pudding pans 6 saucepans a chocolate pot a coffee pot a drinking pot a brass warming pan a Ladle a skimmer 5 brass candlesticks 16 pewter dishes one pye plate a cullender five pewter covers 4 plate Rings and stands one Bason four Dozen of plates 4 chairs a marble mortar a towell Roler a parcel of coals some tin earthenware woodenware and Lumber two brass candlesticks and stands £13.9.6

In the Wash house and Laundry.

Item a Japan bottle cistern a brass Dish Kettle four pales four washing tubs a water tub a napkin press a plate rack two horses for cloaths a form a Grate cheeks fender poker pothanger two tables tin earthenware Wooden Ware and Lumber about 20 dozens of bottles ... £2.15.0

In the Stable, the room over and the yard.

Item a sedan chair and case, a leaf of a table a pair of steps some fire wood a parcel of Lead and Lumber two old coats two old hatts two old iron Grates two spits one copper with a door and frame a lot of old curtain vallance cases Tester head cloth and Rods a feather bed bolster and pillow three blankets two Rugs two tables a pair of tongs a perriwig block some old hangings two leaden flower pots ... £10.12.0

Item Wearing apparel Woolen and Linnen one silver hilted sword and two canes ... £8.3.0

In the Wine Vault.

Item a parcel of Wine and Cider in bottles ... £14.16.0


Item thirty nine silver medals one silver mould a round piece of brass one small copper medal six lead Do. one onyx stone cut two small barrs of Gold six Gold Rings some foreign coins and pieces of Gold in a paper on hundred and fifty one ounces of foreign coins and pieces of silver, twenty six copies of English medals in plaister of Paris ... £106.14.6

In the study two pair of stairs forward.

Item 362 books in folio, 477 in Quarto, 1057 in Octavo, duodecimo and 24mo. together with above one hundred weight of pamphlets and Wast books valued at the sum of ... £270.0.0

Manuscripts in a box sealed up at the house of John Conduit Esq.

Item a short chronicle from the first memory of things in Europe, being an introduction to the Chronology of Ye Ancients - containing twelve pages in folio.

Item the Chronology of the Antients in five chapters, containing ninety pages in folio, both valued att ... £250.0.0

Item the history of the prophecies in ten chapters containing 88 pages in folio and also part of the eleventh chapter containing two pages folio unfinisht.

N.B. There are several boxes at Sir Isaac's Newton's house wherein are contained many loose papers and Letters, relating to the office of the Mint, the manuscripts above mentioned and his Mathematical Works already published and likewise two small parcels of papers of the same kind in the box att the house of John Conduit Esq.

Government securities, &c.

Item fourteen thousand pounds principal stock in the Bank of England valued att 126½ per cent, with a Dividend of 3 per cent due att Lady Day 1727 ... £18,130.0.0

Item five thousand pounds Capital stock in the South Sea Company, att 104 ... £5,200.0.0

Item five thousand pounds South Sea annuities att 97½ with a dividend of 2½ per cent due att Lady Day 1727 ... £5,000.0.0

Item Cash in the hands of John Conduit Eqs. being the Ballance of his account of moneys received and paid for the use of Sir Isaac Newton between the fourth of January 1726 and the 20th March (being the Day of his Decease) as per account and Vouchers examined and stated and for which balance a Bank note was produced £1,711.0.1

Item salary due to Sir Isaac Newton as Master and Worker of the Mint from the first of Januart 1726 to the 20th. March following (being the Day of his Decease both inclusive ... £117.11.2

Item more for the salary of an assay master ... £15.0.0

Item more for the profits of the coinage of 3,315 pound weight of Gold within the same time att one shilling and ten pence per pound weight ... £303.17.6

Item Do. on the coinage of 243 pound weight of silver coined within the same time att 3¼ per pound weight ... £3.5.9¾

Item cash found in the scruters and now remaining there ... £78.9.3¼

Promissory Notes payable on Demand, under the hand.

Richard Hurst ... £4.4.0
John Keil ... £20.0.0
John Wern ... £21.0.0
do. ... £63.0.0
Ann Tyndal ... £40.0.0
Case Bilingsley ... £10.15.0
do. ... £10.15.0
Thomas Davis ... £10.0.0
Newton Smith ... £21.10.0
Total ... £201.4.0

N.B. There is a receipt of Mr. William Junys for £12.12.0 being the full payment on Sir Isaac Newton's subscription for 12 of Dr. Pemberton's books which books are not yet delivered ... £12.12.0

All the aforesaid Goods and Chattels and Credits of Sir Isaac Newton late of Saint Martin in the fields in the County of Middlesex, Knight, deceased have been seen and valued and appraised att the sum of

£31,821.16.10 by us.
Valens Comyn.
Tho: Ward.
Tho: Money.
William Carr.
F. Gyles

A declaration instead of an Inventary made and exhibited by Hannah Tompson (wife of Carrier Tompson Esq niece by the brother of Sir Isaac Newton late of the parish of St Martin in the fields but att Kensington in the county of Middlesex, Knt. deceased touching all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased which have come to her hands possession or knowledge since his Death doth follow, Viz,

Imprimis this exhibitant doth declare that since the Death of the said Deceased she was at the late Dwelling house of the said Deceased in the parish of St. Martin in the fields and also att his house att Kensington where she met with several of the Deceased's Relations parties in this cause in order to look over the Deceased's papers and writings to see if any Will could be found of the said Deceased but none being found she this exhibitant did not any ways intermeddle with any thing relating to the said Deceased's Estate neither hath any Goods Chattels or Credits of the said Deceased otherwise come to her hands possession or knowledge since his Death saving this exhibitant hath been informed and believes that the Deceased had effects to a considerable value in the publick funds or stocks and other matters the particulars whereof she cannot set forth.

Hannah Tompson
24th April 1727.
Dta Hanna Tompson jurat super veritate declarationis.

(Several other statements like Hannah Tompson's follow and have been omitted from the transcription.)

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