Villamil's footnotes to Newton: the Man
- ``and work of Newton''
- Essays on the Life and Work of Newton, edited by
E.B. Jourdain. Open Court Publishing Company, Chicago & London.
- ``his niece Catherine Barton''
- Newton: His Friend: and His Niece. Elliot Stock,
Paternoster Row. 1885.
- ``his own statement,
for £400.''
- Charles Huggins died a bachelor and intestate. His estate was
administered by his brother William, his father having died in 1745.
- ``Dr. Musgrave's catalogue''
- The importance of this Catalogue will be evident from an inspection
of the appendices, where the question is dealt with in greater detail.
- ``only copy of which
I am aware''
- Investigatio Geometrica Solidii Rotundi, in quod minima fiat
Resistentia. Fatio Duiller (Nicolai Fatii Duillierii).
Londini. Everingham. 1699. Imprimatur, J. Hoskyns - V.P.R.S.
- ``forty articles in Dutch''
- Dr. Johnson's Dictionary is of no assistance; but I venture to
suggest that ``Dutch'' meant ``Lithograph.''
- ``crimson Harrateen''
- From Dr. Johnson's Dictionary we find that ``Harrateen'' and
``Tabby'' were kinds of ``waved silk.'' Tabby is derived from the
Italian Tabi, or the French Tabis.
- ``playing backgammon''
- Curiously, we read that another great man - W.E. Gladstone - was
also very fond of playing backgammon. It is what I may call a
``soothing game.''
- ``Dr. Francis Fauquier''
- Dr. Francis Fauquier was a Governor of the Bank of England, where
Newton's ``Annuities'' were presumably deposited. Newton's note to
Dr. Fauquier is very elliptical, and has all the appearance of
being a confirmation in writing of a previous conversation.
Dr. Wollaston's father married a daughter of Dr. Francis Fauquier,
and this would explain how Newton's note came into Dr. Wollaston's
- ``and in July
to vastly more''
- Wollaston's letter says: ``During July ... 900 ... 930.''
- ``very modest figure of 600''
- I say ``very modest'' figure of 600, because though we are told the
price of this stock varied between 800 and 900, it would probably
have been quoted at, say, 600-800; that is to say, £600 to sell
and £800 to buy at.
- ``extinguish this debt''
- On May 17th, 1718, the Capital Stock was ten millions, and it was
on that day decided to increase it to twelve millionss, ``either
by subscription or otherwise'' (Minutes of the South Sea Company).
The Company was well linked up with the Government, for on January
2nd, 1717, it was decided: ``That the cashier pay ninety-nine
guineas for a New Year's gift to the several Officers of the
Treasury, Exchequer and Pay Office'' (loc. cit.).
- ``although Chalmers''
- Alexander Chalmers, F.S.A.: Biographical Dictionary.
New Edition. 1815.
- ``Bouilland maintained''
- Ismaelis Bullialdi Astronomia Philolaica. Paris. 1645.
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Andrew McNab.
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