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1745 1750

1745. Prince Charles Edward Stuart is mentioned as granting a ROSE-CROIX WARRANT to a Lodge at Arrass. Mendacious.

1745. Thomas Oxnard became Provincial Grand Master of North America.

1745. Foundation of a Lodge at Marburg.

1745. The Council at Berne prohibited Freemasonry.

1745. Persecution of Masons in Germany.

1745. The work, entitled L'ORDRE DES FRANCS-MACONS TRAHI appeared in France, and is referred to the Abbé Peran.

I745. The first Lodge in Norway is said to have been established in this year under the name of St. Olaus.

I746. According to the Minutes of this year, the Loge at SWALWELL is said to have regulated fees for admission to the status of HARODIM.

I746. The Minutes of the OLD LODGE AT SALISBURY, under date of October I9, record that five Brethren were made Scots Masons.

I746. The Earl of Derwentwater, first Grand Master of France, perished on the scaffold.

I747. Lord Byron was elected Grand Master, and so remained for a period of five years, but the Order is said to have suffered much from neglect .

I747. A number of Masonic Lodges are said to have existed at this date in the Southern Italian Provinces and in the Island of Sicily, but by reason of persecution they were compelled to work in secret. On December 10 the Masters are represented as meeting in the Valley of Seked for the foundation of a GRAND LODGE, with Raimond of Sangro, Prince de Saint Sebero, as Grand Master. This is on the authority of Jean B. Pessina, whose credibility may be gathered from the fact that he regarded Pythagoras as having formed the first Masonic Lodge at Crotona.

I747. LES FRANCMACONS ECRASES appeared at Paris anonymously. It has been referred to Abbé Larudan, and is sometimes regarded as a sequel to L ORDE DES FRANCSMACONS TRAHI.

1747. L'ADEPTE MASON also appeared, having London as the alleged place of publication.

1747. The foundation of a PRIMORDIAL CHAPTER at Arras has been referred to this year.

1748. The Ottoman Porte opposed the introduction of Freemasonry into Turkey.

1748. An ORDER OF XEROPHAGISTS is supposed to have been established in Italy as a consequence of the Bull against Freemasonry issued by Pope Clement XII. It would be therefore a casual veil of the Order. Story doubtful.

1749. Benjamin Franklin was appointed Provincial Grand Master of Pennsylvania.

1749. The introduction of Masonry in Hungary is referred to this year.

1749. The Duke of Montague died in the month of July.

1750 - 1755

1750. The first Lodge at Halifax was warranted in this or the previous year.

1750. The first Lodge in Transylvania was founded in this year.

1750. William Allen was appointed Provincial Grand Master of Pennsylvania, with Benjamin Franklin as Deputy.

1750. The LODGE OF FRIENDSHIP, afterwards ROYAL YORK OF FRIENDSHIP, was founded at Berlin.

1751. The so colled schismatic GRAND LODGE of England was formed in this year.

1751. A new BOOK OF CONSTITUTIONS, drawn from the English work of 1738, was issued by Edward Spratt, Grand Secretary of Ireland. He had prepared the General Regulations for the same country in 1741.

175I. A GUARDS' LODGE, founded about this time, had a brief period of existence at Stockholm.

1751. Ferdinand VII of Spain condemned Freemasons to death without trial.

1751. Le Maçon Démasqué appeared, having London as its alleged place of publication.

1751. Benedict XIV confirmed and renewed the edict of Clement XII against Freemasonry.

1752. Lord Carisfort became Grand Master, in succession to Lord Byron.

1752. George Washington was initiated in Fredericksburg Lodge, Virginia, on November 4

1752. Birth of Baron von Knigge, on October 16.

1752. Foundation of 8 Lodge at Madras.

1752. A Lodge was founded at Stockholm.

1752. The Swedish Lodge of ST. JOHN Auxiliare was constituted at Stockholm on January 13 by Count Knut Carlsson Posse, under warrant from Prince Louis de Bourbon, Comte de Clermont and Grand Master of France. Uncertain.

1753. Baron Scheffer joined the ST. JOHN AUXILIAIRE LODGE

1753. The King of Sweden became the first Protector of the Swedish Craft.

1753. A Freemaçons Orphanage in Stoclcholm was founded by the Mother Lodge.

1753. George Harrison became Provincial Grand Master for the State of New York.

1753. A Lodge at Norfolk, Virgina, is said to have received a Constitution from the GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND.

1753. Jeremy Gridley became Provincial Grand Master over those parts of North America where such an official had not been appointed previously.

1753. Under date of December 22, the Minutes of Fredericksburg Lodge, Virginia, are said to contain the earliest known record of the Royal Arch Degree in actual working.

1753 The foundation of the STRICT OBSERVANCE is referred to this year.

1754 Foundation of the Chapter of Clermont

1754 A second Lodge was founded at Vienna, and was called the Three Hearts.

1754. The EINTRACHT LODGE was founded at Berlin.

1754. The RITE OF ELECT PRIESTS is said to have originated in this year, but the story is doubtful.

1755 - 1760

1755. A College de Valois of KNIGHTS OF THE EAST has been traced in this year.

1755. The Port Royal Kilwinning Lodge, Virginia, is assignet to this year.

1756. The Marquis of Calnavaron became Grand Master of England

1756. The GRAND Lodge of Scotland chartered a Lodge at Blandfort, Virginia.

1756. Lord Aberdour was elected Grand Master of Scottland for a second time.

1756. Laurence Dormott published the AHIMAN REZON.

1756. LA GRANDE LOGE ANGLAISE DE FRANCE acnowledged the privileges claimed by Scots Masons.

1756. The foundation of the ORDER OF AFRICAN Architects been referret to this year. Exceedingly doubtful

1756. The alleget Secret GRAND LODGE in Southern Italy having become known to the priests, a popular sedition was fomented, and the palace of the Grand Master de Sango was burnt, he being committed to prison.

1756. On December 3 the Deputy Grand Master, T. Manningham advised the PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF HOLLAND that no permission coult be granted to warrant Scots Lodges and admit Brethren according to that methot.

1756. The Seventh St. John's Lodge was foundet in Sweden by C. F. Eckleff who subsequently became Grand Master of the Order, and compiled a Ritual derived chiefly from French High Grades.

1756. A national GRAND LODGE OF THE NETHERLANDS was Inaugurated on December 27 by fourteen Lodges, some of which were of English or Scottish origin.

1757. Lord Aberdour, previously Grand Master of Scotland, became Grand Master of England on the resignation of the Marquis of Carnarvou.

1757. Death of George Payne.

1757. The Archives of the GRAND LODGE OF THE NETHERLANDS; contain a letter, dated July I2 of this year, written by Deputy Grand Master Manningham to a Brother at the Hague and reporting the result of consultations with Lord Aberdour on Scots Degrees and Degrees of Masonic Chivalry. These are condemned as innovations, and it is said that in England and Scotland the three Craft Degrees are all that are nown in Masonry.

1757. The Minutes of the LODGE AT ALNWICK end in this year, and are said to shew that the torking was operative.

1757. The Synod of Stirling is said to have excommunicated many of its members on the charge of Freemasonry.

1758. Foundation of the EMPERORS OF THE EAST AND WEST.

1758. Foundation of a Lodge at Mayence.

1758. Foundation of a Lodge at Bombay.

1758. Lodges under the Obedience of the Ancients began to flourish in Philadelphia, while those of the Moderns declined.

1758. The FREDERICKSBURG LODGE at Virginia is said to have been chartered by the GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND after an independent existence of some years.

1759. A French Lodge, called L'UNION, was constituted at Stockholm.

1759- Lodges began to be founded at Quebec, under warrant of a Provincial Grand Lodge deriving from the Moderns.

1760 - 1765

1760 Swedish Grand Lodge was founded at Stockholm in this year, and the ST. JOHN AUXILIARE lost its power of warranting other Lodges. Baron Scheffer continued as Grand Master, and Eckleff was elected his Deputy.

1760. The ILLUMINÉS OF AVIGNON are said to have been established in this year.

1760. The old LODGE AT SWALWELL, Durham, continued to maintain its old operative customs at least until this date.

1760. The ORIENTAL RITE OF MEMPHIS is alleged to have appeared in Roumania under another name. Fraudulent.

1760. The Lodges reopened in Switzerland, under the banner of the STRICT OBSERVANCE.

1760. The Lodge of the THREE DOVES was established at Berlin, and is now GRAND YORK ROYAL LODGE, No. 3.

1760. A work, entitled JACHIN AND BOAS, appeared in London.

1760. The first RITE OF ADOPTIVE MASONRY in France has been referred to this year.

1760. Martines de Pasqually appeared at Toulouse, bearing a Hieroglyphic Chart.

1760. The LODGE OF ST. ANDREW at Boston, U.S.A., having been " self-constituted," received a Scottish Warrant in this year.

176I. Stephen Morin is said to have received a Patent from the Grand Council of EMPERORS OF THE EAST AND WEST and from the GRAND LODGE OF FRANCE to confer the HIGH DEGREES, he holding the rank of Inspector. Doubtful.

176I. The GRAND LODGE OF ALL ENGLAND at York, having been donnant for a period, resumed activity. It is said to have warranted about ten subordinate Lodges, including the LODCE OF ANTIQUITY. In addition to the Craft Grades it is said to have recognised those of ROYAL ARCH and TEMPLAR,

176I. Formation of a third Lodge in Vienna, called ROYAL MILITAIRE

1761. Masonry revived in Portugal on the banishment of the Jesuits.

1762. The work entitled THREE DISTINCT KNOVKS AT THE DOOR OF FREEMASONRY was published in this year.


1762. An Order of KNIGHTS OF THE EAST was formed by scission from the COUNCIL OF EMPERORS.

1763. Stephen Morin is supposed to have left Paris for San Domingo.

1763. A Masonic Congress was held at Jena.

1763. The Minutes of the ROYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND begin in this year.

1763. Thoux de Salverte is said to have founded or revived an ACADEMY OF THE ANCIENTS, or of the Mysteries at Warsaw, in this year. The story is doubtful.

1764. Lord Blayney became Grand Master of the GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND.

1764. Initiation of the Dukes of York, Cumberland and Gloucester, being sons of Frederick, Prince of Wales.

1764. A work, entitled HIRAM, OR THE GRAND MASTER-KEY was published in London, claiming to be written by a member of the ROYAL ARCH.

1764. Pennsylvania received a warrant for a PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE from the Ancient or so-called schismatic GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND.

1764 A Lodge was founded at Glina in Southern Hungary.

1765 - 1770

1765. The Minutes of CALEDONIAN CHAPTER begin on June I2 of this year.

1769 Edward, Duke of York and brother of George III, was initiated in the Berlin Lodge of the THREE DOVES on July 27. The Lodge assumed the name of ROYAL YORK OF FRIENDSHIP, and received a Constitution from England.

1765. The STRICT OBSERVANCE was founded in Russia.

176S. The Provincial Grand Master of Hamburg joined the STRICT OBSERVANCE.

1765. An English Lodge was established at Alost in Belgium.


1765. Charles Tollmann, Secretary to the British Embassy at Stockholm, received an English Patent as Provincial Grand Master of Sweden, and established several Lodges.

1765. In this year Zinnendorf obtained some elements at least of the SWEDISH RITUALS, and an alleged WARRANT OF Constitution by which he established at Potsdam a Masonic Rite in opposition to that of the STRICT OBSERVANCE.

1765. The ORDER OF AFRICAN ARCHITECTS was founded in this year.

1766. At this time some thirty English Lodges were on the Roll of the "Province of America " (sic), outside those of Boston.

1766. The GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND chartered a PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE at Frankfort-on-the-Main.

1766. A tract, entitled SOLOMON IN ALL HIS GLORY, was published in London.

1766. The RITE OF THE STRICT OBSERVANCE was adopted at this time in many German Lodges.

1766. The TACITURNITAS Lodge was working at this date at Pressburg in Hungary.

1766. A Chapter of TRUE AND ANCIENT ROSE-CROIX Masons was established at Marburg by F. J. W. Schroder.

1767. John Rowe succeeded Gridley as Provincial Grand Master of Boston, E.C.

1767. The ROYAL ARCH is mentioned in the Minutes of the ANCHOR AND HOPE LODGE at Bolton.

1767. A GRAND LODGE OF SPAIN was formed.

1767. An ACADEMY OF ANCIENTS and of the Mysteries was founded at Warsaw by Thoux de Salverte, the alternative date being 1763.

1767. Establishment by J. A. von Starck of a new sect arising out of the STRICT OBSERVANCE, under the name of CLERICI ORDINIS TEXPLARIORUM, miscalled Clerks of the Relaxed Observance.

1767. An ORDER OF ILLUMINATED THEOSOPHISTS is supposed to have been founded at London in this year by Benedict Chastanier.

1767. Alternative date for the foundation of the ORDER OF AFRICAN ARCHITECTS.

1768. The practice of issuing diplomas or certificates was adopted by the GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND.

1768. New Regulations were ordained for the better government of Irish Freemasons.

1768. The Lodge UNION DES COEURS was established at Geneva.

1768. An English Lodge was established at Ghent.

1768. A CHARTER was issued by the GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND for Grant's East Florida Lodge, and was regarded as authorising the meetings of a PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE thereat.

1768. Date on which Pasqually is supposed to have brought his Masonic Rite to Paris.

1768. J. C. Schreepfer established a spurious SCOTS LODGE at Leipzig.

1769. The earliest known reference to the MARK DEGREE occurs in the Minute Book of a ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER at Portsmouth, under date of September I.

1769. The Minutes of the Darlington Second Lodge date from August 22 of this year, being apparently that of its formation.

1769. A tract entitled THE FREEMASON STRIPPED NAKED was published in this year, presumably in London.

1769. The German Directory of the STRICT OBSERVANCE was transferred from Bayreuth to Auspach.

1769. An Independent GRAND LODGE OF GENEVA was founded by ten Lodges, to practise the pure and ancient Masonry of Britain.

1769. Death of Baron Tschoudy at Paris, on May 28.

1769. Count Augustus Moszyuski became Grand Master of Poland.

1769. A PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE, under Scotland, was established at Boston, New England.

1769. A ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF ST. ANDREW is said to have conferred on August 28 the Degrees of EXCELLENT MASON, SUPER EXCELLENT MASON and KNIGHT TEMPLAR. This is held to be the earliest record in respect of the last.

1770 - 1775

1770. The GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND agreed to issue no further Warrants in Holland, in view of the National Organisation then established therein.

1770. Traditional date on whicb the Lodge called LA PARFAITE UNION was founded at Mons by the Duke of Montagu. Entirely mythical.

1770. Alleged date of the first appearance at Paris of Comte de Saint-Germain.

1770. Foundation at Namur, in Belgium, of the PRIMITIVE SCOTTISH RITE.

1770. The GRAND NATIONAL LODGE at Berlin was founded by Zinnendorf on December 27.

1770. Stephen Morin is said to have created a Counsil of PRINCES OF THE ROYAL SECRET at Kingston, Jamaica.

1770. The GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND recognised the GRAND LODGE OF SWEDEN as a Sovereign Masonic power.

1770. SUPPOSED intervention of the STRICT OBSERVANCE in the affairs of Pasqually's Sovereign Tribunal

1770. A patent is alleged to have been granted for the dissemination of the STRICT OBSERVANCE in France.

177I. Death of Prince Louis de Bourbon, French Grand Master.

177I. King Gustavus III of Sweden and his two brothers were made Masons, the King becoming Patron of the Craft.

177I. The SWEDISH RITE was established in Russia.

177I. A Lodge was founded at Agram in Southern Hungary.

1772. Visit of Cagliostro to London.

1772. Foundation of the LODGE of UNITED FRIENDS by Savalette des Langes. It originated the RITE OF PHILALETHES.

1772. Institution of an Order of Argonauts by Conrad von Rhetz. It admitted both sexes.

1772. Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick was appointed Grand Master of the STRICT OBSERVANCE.

1772. Preston's ILLUSTRATIONS OF MASONRY was published in this year.

1772. An English Provincial Grand Master was appointed for Russia.

1772 Most of the Polish Lodges were closed, owing to the partition of Poland.

1772. Joseph Warren is said to have been appointed Grand Master for the Continent of America.

1772. The first of a long series of Dutch Lodges was established at Cape Town.

1772. Louis Claude de Saint-Martin was created ROSE CROIX by Martines de Pasqually at Bordeaux on April I7.

1772. Pasqually left Bordeaux for Port-au-Prince on May 5.

1773. The GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND is said to have concluded a treaty with Zinnendorf, by which all Lodges in Germany holding English warrants were transferred to his GRAND LODGE, Frankfurt demurring.

1773. Foundation of a RITE OF ENOCH at Liege.

1773 The GRAND ORIENT of France was founded on September 27.

1773. The Duc de Chartres was installed as Grand Master of France.

1773. RTHE RITE OF PHILALETHES was established at Paris.

1773. The Prince of Hesse-Darmstadt became Grand Master of the GRAND LODGE OF GERMANY, working the Zinnendorf system, possibly owing to the Masonic alliance with England.

1773. Polish Lodges resumed working.

1774. A RITE OF ADOPTION was established by the GRAND ORIENT of France. See ante, s.v.1769,

1774. Zinnendorf was elected Grand Master of the GRAND LODGE OF GERMANY, and so remained until his death in I782.

1774. The Lodge EMANUEL was constituted at Hamburg.

1774. Death of Martines de Pasqually.

1774. The Lodge of the THREE DRAGONS was established at Varasd in Croatia.

1774. The Royal Duke Charles was elected Grand Master of Sweden.

1774. The English Provincial Grand Master in Russia transferred his allegiance and became Provincial Grand Master under the SWEDISH RITE.

1774. Approximate period of Saint-Martin's Conferences in the LOGE LA BIENFAISANCE at Lyons, of which Willermoz was an active member. Some of them appeared among his posthumous works.

1774. THE STRICT OBSERVANCE appointed Willermoz of Lyons Provincial Grand Master of Auvergne.

1775 - 1780

1775. CONGRESS at Wiesbaden.

1775. Death of Baron von Hund on November 8.

1775. Ferdinand IV, KinB of the two Sicilies, issued an edict against Masonry on September I2, making membership a capital offence.

1775. A National Masonic Rite of Southern Hungary and Slavonia was founded under the name of MASONRY OF FREEDOM, or Province of Liberty.

1776. A new Masonic Hall was opened in Great Queen Street.

1776. A Masonic CONVENTION was held at Wiesbaden in this year.

1776. The Lodge FERDINAND CAROLINE was constituted at Hamburg.

1776. Foundation of the LODGE OF LUXEMBOURG.

1776. The Lodge BALDWIN OF THE LINDEN was founded at Leipzig by the GRAND NATIONAL LODGE OF BERLIN.

1776. The ROYAL ARCH Degree was accepted according to Oliver.


1776. Foundation of the ILLUMINATI OF BAVARIA, by Adam Weishaupt, on May

1776. A RITE OF THE SUBLIME ELECTS OF TRUTH is said to bave been founded in this year. Date doubtful.

1776. The foundation of the RITE Ecossais PHILOSOPHIQUE,

1777. The STRICT OBSERVANCE swept over Italy in this year.

1777. Initiation of Adam Weishaupt at Munich

1777. Date assigned for the establishment of a Swadish Rite composed of nine Grades superposed upon those of the Craft.

1777. There was a reformation of the ROSICRUCIAN SOCIETY in this year.

1777. A GRAND CHAPTER OF THE ROYAL ARCH was established in London.

1777. The GRAND LODGE OF VIRGINIA was founded on November 6.

1777. Masonry declined in Portugal on the death of Joseph II.

1778. The Masonic CONVENTION of Lyons was held in this year.

1778. An ACADEMY OF TRUE MASONS was founded at Montpelier.

1778. A DIRECTOIRE ECOSSAIS HELVETIQUE was established at Zurich.

1778. An ORDER OF KNIGHTS AND NYMPHS OF THE ROSE was founded at Paris; by De Chaumont.

1778. The ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR was established in the United States.

1778. The introduction of Masonry into the Grand Duchy of Baden has been assigned to this year.

1778. A PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER was constituted at Petrograd under the authority of the Swedish Rite.

1778-9. Transient fusion of the STRICT OBSERVANCE and the Swedish Templar system under the Duke of Brunswick.


1779. The ECLECTIC UNION was instituted by Baron von Ditfurth at Frankfurt-on-the-Maine.

1779. The PRIMITIVE RITE OF PHILADELPHIANS is referred to this year, as established at Narbonne.

1779. Prince Gagarin became Provincial Grand Master in Russia, and established a NATIONAL GRAND LODGE.

1779. The death of Pasqually is referred to this year.

1779. Duke Charles was placed at the head of the STRICT OBSERVANCE in Germany, being the Seventh Province.

1779. A PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE was warranted at Petrograd on May 25.

1779. The Lodge called AMERICAN UNION celebrated the Festieral of St. John on December 27, at Morris Town, New Jersey, George Washington being one of the guests.

1780 - 1785

1780. An ACADEMY OF THE SUBLIME MASTERS OF THE LUMINOUS RING was established by Baron Grant of Blairfindy at Douai in France.

I780. Austrian Freemasonry passed under the Rule of the STRICT OBSERVANCE .

I780. The GRAND LODGE OF SPAIN adopted the title of GRAND ORIENT.

I780. Foundation of a GRAND LODGE at Madras.

I780. King Gustavus III erected a Ninth Provinec of thc ORDER OF THE TEMPLE in Sweden, and Duke Charles was installed as Vicar of Solomon.

I780. A Mystical Order, called KNICHTS OF THE TRUE LIGHT, was founded in Austria.

I780. Initiation of the poet Goethe on St. John's Eve.

I780. An ORDER OF KNIGHTS AND BROTHERS OF ASIA is reffered to this year, the place of foundation being alternatively Berlin or Vienna.

1780. Baron Von Knigge joined the ORDER OF ILLUMINATI in this year.

I781. Duke Charles resigned his position as head of the STRICT OBSERVANCE in Germany.

I78I. rhe Lodge called CATHERINE OF THE POLE STAR at Walsaw received an English Patent as PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE.

I78I. Foundation of a GRAND LODGE at New York.

I782. Birth of George Oliver on November 5

I782. The HELVETIC DIRECTORY was dissolved by the authorities of Berne.

I782. A GRAND CHAPTER-GENERAL OF FRANCE was founded in this year.

1782. The GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE createt a Chambre des Grades.

I782. The famous CONVENTION of Wilhelmsbad was opened on July 9.

I782. An Independent NATIONAL GRAND LODGE was founded in Russia.

I782. A PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE was organised in New York by Stationary and Military Lodges.

I783. An ORDER OF UNIVERSAL HARMONY was founded by Mesmer and his disciples to propagate the doctrines of animal magnetism.

I783. A GRAND LODGE was founded at Maryland, U.S.A., on July 3I.

I783. The THREE GLOBES declared its independence Of the STRICT OBSERVANCE, now in disolution

I783. The GRAND LODGE OF HAMBURG renounced the STRlCT OBSERVANCE and returned to their Masonic system of I737.

I783. On March I8 a GRAND LODGE was established at Frankfort- on the-Maine.

I783. Initiation of J. A. Fessler.

I783-5. The reconstruction of the STRICT OBSERVANCE, as agreed at Lyons and Wilhelmsbad, is said to have been adopted by the DIRECTORIES of Switzerland, Hesse Cassel, Lombardy and by a Lodge in Denmark. It was adopted in France by the Provinces of Bourgoyne and Auvergne.

I784 The revised BOOK OF CONSTITUTIONS was published in this year.

I784. Suppression of the ILLUMINATI in June by the Elector of Bavaria.

I784 A GRAND LODGE OF AUSTRIA and its Dependencies was established in this year.

I784. Speculative date of origin for the GRAND ORIENT of Poland and of Lithuania.

1785 - 1790

I785. Masonic CONGRESS of the LODGE OF PHALETHES at Paris, on February I5, same being numerously attended by French, German, and even some English Masons.

I785. The ACADEMY OF THE ILLUMINATl OF AVIGNON started in this year. See ante, s.v., I760.


I786. The so called Ancient and Modern Masons amalgamated under General Horne at Madras.

I786. The Emperor Joseph II closed all Lodges, excepting three, in Belgium, then known as the Austrian Netherlands.

I786. F. L. Schroder became Master of the Lodge EMANUEL.

I786. A third Danish Lodge, called CHARLES OF THE NORWEGIAN LION, was founded in this year.

I786. The Lodge KARL OF THE WREATH OF RUE was founded at Hildsburgshausen, at the instance of Karl, Duke of Mecklenburg- Strelitz, and received its Warrant from London in the following year.

I786. A second CONVENTION of the PHILALETHES was held in this year.

I786. Foundation of the GRAND LODGE OF GEORGIA, U.S.A., on December 16

I78h Foundation of the GRAND LODGE OF NEW JERSEY, U.S.A., on December

I786. Institution by the GRAND ORIENT of the FRENCE RITE, consisting of Seven Degrees.


I787. The GRAND CHAPTER OF HARODIM was founded by William Preston.

I787. Publication at Heliopolis, i.e. Paris, of the work entitled ORIGINE DE LA MACONNERIE ADONHIRAMITE.

I787. Institution at Paris of the KNIGHTS AND COMPANIONS OF THE MYSTIC CROWN, open only to Master Masons.

I787. All Lodges whatsoever were prohibited by edict from assembling in the Austrian Netherlands.

I787. Foundation of the RITE OF BAHRDT at Halle, in Gennany, by Karl Fliedrich Bahrdt.

I787. The New York Lodges established by the so called schismatic GRAND LODGE declared their independence.

I787. Foundation of the GRAND LODGE OF SOUTHERN CAROLINA, U.S.A., on March 24

I788. The Royal Masonic Inslitution for Girls was founded by the Moderns

I788. Birth of G. B. F. Kloss, the German Bibliographer of Masonry.

I789. An exegetical and philanthropical Society was founded at Stockholm for the study of Swedenborgianisme and Magnetism apparently in connection with Masonry.

1789. Foundation of the GRAND LODCE OF CONNECTICUT on July 8.

1789. Foundation of the GRAND LODGE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE on July I8.

I789. The Lodge of SECRECY AND HARMONY at Malta was reconstituted from England, and all Officers are said to have been Knights of Malta.

1790 - 1795

I790. The Earl of Moira was appointed Acting Grand Master, first under the Duke of Cumberland and then under the Prince of Wales.

I790. The GRAND LODGE OF ALL ENGLAND, otherwise the ANCIENT YORK RITE, became extinct about this time.

1790. The custom of numbering Scottish Lodges began about this period, and is regarded as unofficial in the first instance.

I790. The following AMERICAN GRAND LODGES existed in this year: at Massachusetts two Lodges; at New Hampshire, Connecticut, New York, Pesnnsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginnia and North Carolina one Lodge each; at South Carolina two Lodges, and one at Georgia.

I79I. The Ancients warranted a PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE of Quebec, under Prince Edward, afterwards Duke of Kent.

1791. The Province of Canada was divided into Upper and Lower Canada, under Provincial Grand Masters appointed by the Ancients.

I791. The Lodge MARIA OF THE THREE HEARTS was founded at Odense in Denmark.

I791. Foundation of the GRAND LODGE OF RHODE ISLAND on June 25.

1791. Alleged foundation of an ORDER OF JERUSALEM in Noxth America, apparently an Association of Alchemists. It is said to have been taken to Germany in I793, thence spreading to England, Holland and Russia. There were eight Degrees, and a connection with the Rite of Chastanier has been suggested. The whole story is doubtful.

I792. The Austria Lodges closed of their own accord, owing to the French Revolution.

I792. On the death of Ferdinand of Brunswick, Prince Charles of Denmark became sole chief of the Danish Lodges.

I792. Murder on September 2 of Abbé Le Franc, who wrote THE VEIL LIFTED FOR THE CURIOUS, and another work, entitled THE CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE CATHOLIC RELIGION.

I792. An Union of Ancients and Moderns at Boston, America, was effected in this year.

I793. Initiation at Stockholm of Augustus IV of Sweden, on March 10.

I793. J. J. C. Bode joined the ILLUMINATI under Weishaupt. He was previously a zealous promotor of the STRICT OBSERVANCE.

I793. An Edict dissolved all Secret Societies in the Austrian Dominions.

I793. The Lodges of Bohemia closed, apparently of thear own accord.

I793. Suppression of Trade Guilds by the French National Assembly.

I793. The foundation of a German Order of Amicists is mentioned in this year, and is thought to have derived from the CHAPTER OF CLERMONT. Obscure and doubtful.

I794. Durham is said to have possessed at this time the following Degrees:



(3) KNIGHT TEMPLAR. Authority doubtful

I794. The Russian Lodges closed their doors, by the desire of the Empress Catherine.

I794. Foundation of the GRAND LODGE OF VERMONT, U.S.A., on October I4.

I794. Initiation of N.C. des Etangs.

1795 - 1805

1795. Foundation of a new French GRAND ORIENT.

I795. From this date and onward for about twenty years, the allegiance of Swiss Lodges was divided chiefly between the GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE and the SCOTS DIRECTORY of the Fifth Province, being a modification of the STRICT OBSERVANCE.

I796. The GRANDE LOGE OF FRANCE, after a spasmodic revival, was virtually dissolved by the new GRAND ORIENT.

I796. The Comte de Grasse-Tilley and his father-in law, J. B. M. de la Hogue, were created Deputy Inspectors General by Charleston.

I797. The Lodge REGENERATION was constituted on board the frigate Phoenix.

I797. A new system of seven Degrees was adopted, and is said to remain the basis of the present German Masonic edifice.

I797. Prohibition of Secret Societies in General and Freemasonry in particular by the Emperor Paul I of Russia.

I797. Date alleged for the formation of Masonic KNIGHTS TEMPLAR in the United States.

I798. The Royal Masonic Institution for Boys was founded by the Ancients.

I798. According to Besuchet, Napoleon Buonaparte was initiated at Valetta in Malta.

I798. The Lodge of the THREE DOVES divided into four Lodges, and these are said to have constituted themselves a GRAND LODGE OF PRUSSIA.

I798. Foundation of the GRAND LODGE ROYAL YORK OF FRIENDSHIP at Berlin on June II.

I799. It was enacted by Parliament that all Societies exacting an oath from their members should be deemed unlawful, Lodges of Freemasons excepted, in so far as they complied with the provisions of the Bill.

I799. On May 26 the Scottish GRAND LODGE limited its sanction to the three Craft Grades under the style of the ANCIENT ORDER OF ST. JOHN.

I799. A Grand CHAPTER-GENERAL OF THE ROYAL ARCH was founded in America.

I800. Establishment of a GRAND LODGE OF PORTUGAL. Precise date uncertain.

I800. The GRAND LODCE OF KENTUCKY was founded on October I6

1800. In this year the United States had eleven Grand Lodges ruling 347 Subordinate Lodges, with a membership of I6,000.

I80I. Initiation of George Oliver at Peterborough, as a Lewis, by dispensation.

I80I. The Emperor Francis II proscribed Freemasonry in Austria.

I80I. Date alleged by Mackey for the foundation in America of the first SUPREME Council of the ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED Scottish RITE at Charleston.

I80I. Le CHAPITRE Ross-CRoix D’ARRAS is said to have been re- constituted and united to the GRAND ORIENT.

1802. About this time the Scottish RITE of thirty-three Degrees is supposed to have been established in Paris.

1802. De Grasse-Tilly and de la Hogue founded a SUPREME COUNCIL at Port-au-Prince.

I803. Certain delegates of the TOUR DE FRANCE, or COMPAGNONNAGE, are said to have assembled in conference at Paris.

I803. The Emperor Alexander I of Russia is said to have been initiated about this period, owing to representations as to the real objects of Masonry made by the Chancellor of State, Johann Boeber.

I803. At this date Masonry in the Netherlands is said to have comprised the following classes:



(3) ELECT MASTER and Subleme Elect Master.

I803. Foundation of the GRAND LODGE OF ITALY.

I803. Initiation of J. M. Ragon.

I804. The GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE is said to have accepted the twenty-five Degree of the RITE OF PERFECTION. Doubtful

I804 De Grasse-Tilly, supported by de la Hogue and others from San Domingo, established a SUPREME Council for France at Paris in the month of September.

I804. The Paris SUPREME COUNCIL formed a GRAND SCOTS LODGE on October 22, and elected Prince Louis Buonaparte Grand Master.

I804. The GRAND SCOTS LODGE and the SUPREME COUNCIL resolved into one by a Treaty dated December 3 of this year.

I804. Prince Joseph Buonapute became Ruler of the GRAND ORIENT.

I804 Bernard Raymond Fabré-Palaprat having founded or re organised an ORDER OF THE TEMPLE at Paris was elected Grand Master.

1804 The Lodge ARCHIMEDES OF ETERNAL UNION was established in this year as an offshoot of the Altenburg Lodge. It becamc in- dependent in 1811, and so remained.

1804. Foundation on May 21 of an ARCH-CHAPTER OF HIGH GRADES for the Netherlands.